20.05.00 (2024-12-20)
Manage Order, Confirmation and communication templates should only show approved payments.
Fix USPS address validation setting Unit field instead of Street.
20.04.00 (2024-12-10)
Handle recurring payment from PayPal Checkout by allowing user payment creation from Manage Payment module.
Fix incorrect exchange rate used in currency detection.
Fix Manage Recurring Order module not displaying due to serialization attribute.
Fix product search dropdown is not clickable on mobile.
20.03.01 (2024-10-17)
Fix default region should be "US-CA" and not "CA".
Fix cannot update superuser's profile.
20.03.00 (2024-10-02)
Enable Buy Now Pay Later for PayPal Checkout. Please merge any custom Cart display templates.
Upgrade UK VAT number validation now requires API credentials by HMRC.
Expose SKU in payment method availability custom rule.
Expose taxAmount1 to 5 in model and communication templates.
Add missing ProductInventory REST API methods and properties.
Instruct bots not to follow hrefs in Product List sort and page size dropdowns. Please merge any custom Product List display template.
Fix localization issue with lazy loaded properties that are optimized for speed.
Fix points should not be awarded if RewardsPointRewardOrderActive is false.
Fix cannot update superuser's profile.
20.02.00 (2024-07-31)
New point-of-sale (POS) sales register screen.
New Location module for selecting preferred store.
New Location Summary module for showing the preferred store.
Support in-store product inventory by warehouse.
New "Low in-store product inventory" report.
Use native Google Analytics 4 ecommerce gtag tracking instead of Google Tag Manager dataLayer.
Upgrade Elavon Opayo Sage Pay Form to v4.0.
Drop support for IE11. Remove polyfill.io javascript reference. Please merge any custom display templates.
Prompt customer to confirm before clearing their cart. Please merge any custom Cart display templates.
20.01.02 (2024-06-18)
Fix database cache fetch not honoring async configuration.
20.01.01 (2024-05-29)
Fix UPS should use proper unit of measure for foreign countries.
20.01.00 (2024-05-23)
Force UPS to transact with newer API version for all accounts.
20.00.00 (2024-04-24)
UPS credentials must authenticate using OAuth starting June 3, 2024.
TForce Freight is the new official provider for UPS Freight starting May 1, 2024.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Please obtain new UPS OAuth credentials if previously using UPS access key for shipping.
Please obtain new TForce Freight credentials if previously using UPS Freight.
19.15.00 (2024-04-03)
Fix GetProductAttributeDefinitionSelection not responding to REST API call.
19.14.01 (2024-03-03)
Upgrade SagePay (Opayo) endpoints.
Sort bundled parts in Product detail template.
Ignore invalid products during channel sync.
19.13.00 (2024-02-05)
Fix decrement coupon should check for empty coupon.
Fix error message not showing on Administration module due to inline code block.
Fix Administration module grids re-ordering may not work due to race condition.
Fix product variant place order action rule not passing user profile in input.
19.12.00 (2023-12-11)
Support default region setting to improve checkout usability.
Bulk update sales order will now send order update emails.
Add FontAwesome hamburger icon fallback for category, manufacturer, distributor, seller templates. Please merge custom templates.
Fix dashboard percentage number of orders rounding.
19.11.00 (2023-11-17)
Hide shipping amounts in Cart, Checkout and Confirmation templates if no product requires shipping. Please merge custom templates.
Fix Stripe payment error when charges data is missing in response.
19.10.00 (2023-11-08)
Fix sales payment model null object reference bug introduced in v19.9.
19.09.00 (2023-11-01)
Ensure category module wraps text correctly for long names.
Fix reports not showing Kendo control.
19.08.00 (2023-10-22)
Include address information for Authorize.net Accept payment gateway.
Update Twitter icon now rebranded as X.
19.07.00 (2023-09-23)
Show promotion price on tier price ranges. Please merge custom Product detail template.
Canonical meta link should prioritize current page over default product detail page.
Fix error logs to APPLICATION_SHUTTING_DOWN type instead of ADMIN_LOG in DNN 9.8+.
19.06.00 (2023-08-30)
Display template grid now shows if template is in-use.
Rename or delete display template now updates dependants.
Fix increase delay in PayPal Standard to ensure redirection is successful.
Fix Klarna payments should pass tax, shipping and handling details.
19.05.00 (2023-08-24)
Guest checkout under reuse mode now adds user portal membership for site group.
Fix PayPal Standard not recognizing hosted button id.
Fix SQL upgrade script checking wrong table name.
19.04.00 (2023-08-10)
Display template editor can now edit other text based file types beyond cshtml.
Display template editor can add folder, add file, upload file, delete, duplicate and rename.
Pass customer info to Braintree gateway where possible.
Add indices to speed up BoughtProduct, CrosssellProduct, RelatedProduct, RequiredProduct and SimilarProduct tables.
Fix more than one default tax class may interfere with new product creation screen.
Fix general scheduler high CPU usage during execution of the bought product relationship.
Fix display template merge editor CSS height.
19.03.00 (2023-07-20)
Product List module supports infinite scroll on mobile devices for improved usability. Please merge custom templates.
Upgrade PayPal Standard gateway to use different button code to handle redirection.
Allow custom sort for product search autocomplete.
Fix search autocomplete client template error when viewing in non-English language with accents.
Fix communication configuration screen is not fully localized.
19.02.00 (2023-06-22)
Support Braintree payment gateway. Please merge custom checkout templates.
Support Venmo payment via Braintree as gateway. Please merge custom checkout templates.
Product Filter booking dates can now affect booking product price in Product List module.
Gracefully handle bad data when specifying custom products or categories for the Product Showcase module.
Ensure entity caching does not get purged during low memory pressure.
Expose shippingMethodID in payment availability rule to allow restricting payment by the selected shipping method.
Fix payment transaction not showing full gateway message for void, capture, refund operations in sales order admin screen.
Fix missing object qualifier in v18.00.00 SQL script upgrade.
19.01.02 (2023-05-07)
Handle compatibility changes in DNN 9.11.2 affecting Manage modules.
19.01.01 (2023-04-28)
Fix product review moderation link.
Fix new installation error due to removal of Configuration table columns in v19.1.
19.01.00 (2023-04-07)
Use new OpenAI chat API for 10x lower cost per query.
Support product filtering by booking dates. Please merge any custom Product Filter and Product List display templates.
Fix guest account creation should match existing user from group portal.
19.00.00 (2023-02-21)
Automatically generate product descriptions using experimental Open AI.
Automatically associate product to a category using experimental Open AI.
Automatically generate product review text using experimental Open AI.
Rewrite cache engine for better compatibility with Web farm setup.
Improve startup time by using a cache lock per portal.
Make async cache fetch size configurable.
Upgrade Avalara tax provider to REST API v2.
Upgrade Avalara address validation provider to REST API v2 (U.S and Canada).
Merchant should be allowed to edit product review creation date.
Product showcase should ignore invalid product IDs for custom products.
Fix Administration re-ordering of variants and groups in grid.
18.09.00 (2023-02-28)
Fix guest account creation should match existing user from group portal.
18.08.00 (2023-01-27)
Implement non-removable cache to better handle low memory systems.
Support paging capability in REST API methods for querying large amount of data. Get requests must send the "parameters" container node/property even if no actual parameter is supplied.
Fix Manage Order server side view model should default to sort by Order Date descending.
18.07.00 (2023-01-11)
Product Showcase can now relate products by the same category.
Dashboard report charts now use common components for better performance.
Dashboard reports will now take into account portal timezone.
Update Dotpay gateway endpoint.
Include new promotion template "Fixed discount if exceeds amt".
Match Administration background color with DNN 9.11 persona bar for seamless fit.
Fix Stripe gateway should not pass empty customer value.
Fix admin not allowing editing of custom display templates from Manage Favorite, Manage Fund, Manage Order modules.
18.06.00 (2022-11-21)
Support Stripe payment notification to better handle 3D Secure.
Product variant, variant group and options admin can rearrange display order by dragging item for better usability.
Add additional checks for payment method basic availability.
18.05.00 (2022-11-07)
Manage Order module can now be customized using Razor display template.
New funds payment method. Customer can add money to account and use balance to pay for checkout or recurring order.
New Square Web Payments SDK integration replacing obsolete Square SqPaymentForm (end-of-life Oct 31, 2022). Please merge custom Checkout template.
Checkout "StandardSingleStep" now hides other form inputs when customer choose to register or login to account for better usability.
Hide Cash, Check, Wire Transfer from saved payments during checkout.
Increase ProductVariant.AllowableOrderQuantity to 1000 characters.
Product List and Product Filter now recognizes native DNN search query parameter allowing you to set the site search to return product results on the Product List page instead of the Search Results page. See how to setup topic.
Allow multiple Product Search modules to appear on same page. Please merge custom display template.
Expose shippingPackages node in shipping availability rule.
Enhance security check for file uploads.
Fix category should not be allowed to move by sellers.
Fix security access.
Fix sub-divisions load error. Please merge any custom Checkout display templates.
18.04.00 (2022-09-22)
Support new Google Analytics 4 (Google will discontinue older Analytics on July 1, 2023).
Support new Klarna Payments gateway allowing customers to pay in 4 equal split payments.
Checkout can now login and register new user directly on same page for better usability. Please merge custom template.
Sales payment control should record failed payments to assist in troubleshooting.
Fix incorrect price-with-tax displayed for bundled product.
Fix XSL tokenizer incorrectly replacing wrong xsl syntax.
Fix Checkout is not gracefully handling case when cart session is blank.
Fix PayTrace gateway not handling response data correctly.
Fix category and gallery control permissions for marketplace scenario.
18.03.00 (2022-07-12)
Send email receipt or invoice after checkout should be based on statuses instead of payment records.
Support newly updated USPS service names.
Fix Intuit QuickBooks Payments incorrect handling of JSON error.
Fix Authorize.net AIM should strip off any special characters in itemized details.
18.02.00 (2022-05-30)
Show product search in Product List module for better usability. Please merge custom Product List template.
Show product filter in Product List module for better usability. Please merge custom Product List template.
Show suggested results in Product search. Please merge custom Product List and Product Search templates.
Authorize.net AIM can now send itemized details.
Place order action custom rule can now specify content type for Web request.
Place order action basic rule will now post XML input data with correct "application/xml" content type.
Remove dependency on bootstrap-slider.
Updated booking product custom price modifier template.
18.01.00 (2022-04-19)
Automatically notify customers when favorite products have a lower price.
Allow optional IP address detection by HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header.
Log error when creating guest user account failed.
Fix cart not validating against product variant start/stop dates.
Fix Manage Favorite module should exclude products without variants.
18.00.00 (2022-04-06)
Customers can now mark their favorite products for quick access. Please merge your custom Product List and Product Detail display templates.
Automatically notify customers when favorite products come back in stock.
Expose gallery model for email and print communication templates.
Xero export now includes shipping and handling as separate line items.
Allow Manage Order to show customer notes in HTML.
Expose DynamicFormCode for display templates.
Fix string tokenizer should not replace XSL contained inside square brackets.
Fix required field label on reports.
17.14.00 (2022-04-04)
Fix admin search should convert time to UTC first.
17.13.00 (2022-02-18)
Make first description panel expanded on load in Product Detail template when in mobile mode.
Sync category, manufacturer, distributor, seller to tabs will use relative URL to allow different domains to work.
Xero export now includes discount amount.
Fix Order Alert, Order Invoice, Order Receipt, Recurring Order Payment Retry and Payment Alert email/print templates now defaults to show order detail price with discount. Please update your templates.
17.12.00 (2021-12-15)
Fix advanced URL provider not matching product variant after cache reset due to bug introduced in v17.4.
Fix order receipt and invoice email/print template missing space separator between text and international currency.
17.11.00 (2021-12-02)
Support bulk resize all gallery images.
Sitemap now handles multi-language.
Product List gallery automatically shows alternate thumbnails on mouse over. Please merge custom templates.
Product Showcase gallery automatically shows alternate thumbnails on mouse over. Please merge custom templates.
Database queries should take into consideration culture fallback if sorting an XML field.
Provide nearest value for Sage Pay Direct when color depth does not correspond to allowable value in 3DS spec.
Center products in Product Showcase module. Please merge custom templates.
Fix XSL token transform should not log error if transformed result is empty.
17.10.00 (2021-11-17)
Gallery admin can now drag and drop to create multiple images at once for better usability.
Gallery admin can rearrange display order by dragging item.
Expose alternate image sources in Product List module to allow creating gallery effects.
Fix category admin screen should not scroll back to top when associating products to category.
17.09.00 (2021-10-25)
Show larger gallery images by default for better usability.
Category administration can collapse/expand and reorder categories by dragging item.
Category module should not show chevron if no child category exists.
Synchronize Cart Summary when changes occur in Cart, Checkout and Quick Order modules.
Improve update cart performance for orders with many products.
Update cart can internally update booking dates and custom field data if specified.
Fix Manage Order module Resume shopping link not working.
17.08.00 (2021-09-14)
Improve payment transaction security.
Fix Sage Pay Direct 3D Secure error.
Fix Manage Order module Resume shopping link not working.
Fix checkout payment reconciliation should tolerate amounts up to 2 decimal digits only.
17.07.00 (2021-09-07)
Support new Flutterwave Standard payment gateway. Please merge custom templates.
Support new iPay Africa Web payment gateway. Please merge custom templates.
Improve Category "StandardTree" template to hide categories without products by inspecting all sub-categories. Please merge custom templates.
Expose ProductFilter model to ProductListViewModel.
Product Showcase module now displays products respecting Display Order.
Fix product attribute definition not allowing selection in the list box control.
Fix configuration Show savings and Show MSRP not having a consistent effect.
Fix export customer error.
17.06.01 (2021-08-04)
Recurring order can now remember last saved currency.
Fix "StandardMultipleStep" Checkout setting incorrect currency culture.
Fix some static localized text in Checkout module.
17.06.00 (2021-08-02)
Support Cardlink Redirect payment gateway. Please merge custom Checkout templates.
Order administration and Manage Order screens now show amounts in user saved currency.
Support importing Product Attribute Group, Product Attribute Definition, Product Attribute Definition Selection objects.
Reconcile payment redirect amount for stronger fraud protection.
Fix coupon availability rule not matching all possible categories.
Fix Product Detail page not correctly handling excluded dates for booking product. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix Page Action adding to cart creates redundant incomplete order.
Fix SkyNet shipping now uses actual Suburb field instead of the City field.
Fix v17.03.00 SQL upgrade script not handling object qualifier when dropping index.
17.05.00 (2021-05-18)
Support Intuit QuickBooks Payments gateway. Please merge custom Checkout display templates.
Ensure real-time tax calculation cache takes into consideration shipping and handling amounts.
Fix extra unused columns ShippingUnit, ShippingDistrict in UserAddress and UserPayment tables.
Fix UserAddress and UserPayment tables did not split data into Street and Unit fields.
17.04.01 (2021-05-01)
Fix payment availability basic rule should calculate against balance due including taxes and shipping due to bug introduced in v17.4.
Fix sales order administration screen should display missing district value.
17.04.00 (2021-04-29)
Support export shipment to Pirate Ship for the lowest USPS shipping rates (save up to 89% off retail USPS rates).
Support Pargo warehouse-to-door delivery shipment.
Add support for Unit address field for consistency with DNN, better usability for mobile devices and form auto-completion. Street field no longer uses multi-line textbox. The first line is considered as the Street and the 2nd line is the Unit. Please merge your custom templates.
Add support for District address field needed for South African addresses.
Handle mixed upper and lowercase for advanced URL provider.
Facebook channel will now make use of the Summary description if the Overview description is empty.
Fix Manage Payment module not showing the Account Number for ACH type.
Fix payment availability basic rule should consider balance of payment from all split orders.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Street address field is no longer a multi-line textbox. Any historical street data with a 2nd line will automatically convert to the Unit field on upgrade. If you have external code that is explicitly reading the 2nd line from the Street field, please start using the Unit field instead. In particular, please merge your custom Cart and Checkout display templates.
Removed SalesOrderModel.BillingStreet1, BillingStreet2, ShippingStreet1, ShippingStreet2. Please use BillingStreet, BillingUnit, ShippingStreet, ShippingUnit instead.
Removed SalesOrderSetModel.BillingStreet1, BillingStreet2, ShippingStreet1, ShippingStreet2. Please use BillingStreet, BillingUnit, ShippingStreet, ShippingUnit instead.
Removed BillingStreet1, BillingStreet2 in Custom Hosted Gateway. Please use BillingStreet and BillingUnit instead.
17.03.04 (2021-04-08)
Fix Checkout unable to fetch new shipping method when switching between different countries. Please merge custom Checkout templates.
​17.03.03 (2021-04-07)
Fix Checkout template javascript error due to recent spam checker introduced in v17.3. Please merge your custom Checkout templates.
Fix Manage Order module cannot trigger Return action button due to UI event conflict.
17.03.00 (2021-03-26)
Support export invoices, products and customers to QuickBooks.
Support export invoices to Xero.
Support export customers to CSV.
Support Google ReCAPTCHA to prevent denial of service attack on checkout page. Please merge your custom Checkout templates.
Allow creating and editing new user from the Customer administration screen.
Checkout will now validate UK VAT number with HMRC if validation is enabled.
Allow creating recurring order from Administration sales order detail screen. Please use RecurringSalesOrder.SalesOrderDetailID to reference original order detail. RecurringSalesOrder.OriginalSalesOrderID is obsolete and will be removed in the future.
Add Extension column to RecurringSalesOrder object to allow tracking custom data.
Add ExternalID to Product and ProductVariant objects to allow tracking objects from external system.
Increase object key size to allow longer key names.
Fix product detail and product list page title should encode reserved characters.
Fix cannot overwrite GeoIP file error.
Fix potential XSL error due to sharing of Saxon processor.
17.02.00 (2021-02-10)
Support fallback shipping methods if no other shipping methods qualify to reduce abandoned carts.
Shipping methods can now be offered as a quote. e.g. Oversized shipping where amount is not known will convert cart into a quoted order to reduce abandoned carts. Please merge your custom Checkout templates.
Fix Facebook channel includes unnecessary language parameter in generated image URL.
Fix soft delete product should remove product part too.
Fix possible javascript error in Administration combobox controls.
Fix variants bought separately and bought as part of a bundled part should not be merged as same line item.
17.01.00 (2021-02-05)
Support Facebook Shop and Instagram Shopping sales channels.
Make javascript load in deferred mode when possible for better performance.
Return more informative server side error message in templates. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix display templates not showing discount in a rare scenario where a 100% promotion is used to yield a zero dollar price. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix cannot relate products belonging to different sellers.
Fix missing Cancelled status for voucher administration.
Requirements and breaking changes:
REST API/Import changes. Insert and update Product object must include new AllowSalesChannel property.
REST API/Import changes. Inserting and update ProductVariant object must include new ConditionType property.
17.00.00 (2021-01-09)
Remove Telerik DLL dependency for better performance, reduce memory and improve security.
Support tax changes to handle new VAT rules after Brexit.
Support Pineapple Payments Transax gateway.
Redesign gallery lightbox in Product Detail "StandardGrid" template for better usability and performance. Please merge your custom templates.
Allow object's display order to take negative values.
Improve display template performance by reducing the number of file IO checks.
Automatically fallback to next logical display template if custom display template no longer exists.
Replace HTML editor in Communication settings with code editor for better control over rendered content.
Remove bootstrap-rating, ekko-lightbox and jqZoom javascript dependencies for better performance. Please merge your custom templates.
Remove several obsolete configuration settings that were previously valid with Web forms.
Remove obsolete Internet Secure Merchant Direct gateway.
Remove obsolete SuomenVerkkomaksut gateway.
Remove obsolete Towah gateway.
Remove obsolete Zooz gateway.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Remove ASP.NET Custom code support in Custom fields in favor of Basic fields.
Remove Custom rule support in Communication templates in favor of Basic rule.
Remove all obsolete Web forms display template in favor of Razor templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated:
Cart "Standard13" and "Standard14"
Cart Summary "Standard4" and "Standard5"
Category "Standard3"
Checkout "Standard24" and "Standard25"
Confirmation "Standard12" and "Standard13"
Distributor "Standard1"
Manufacturer "Standard2"
Product Comparison "Standard3"
Product Detail "Standard18" and "Standard19"
Product Filter "Standard3"
Product List "Standard9" and "Standard10"
Product Search "Standard2"
Product Showcase "Standard6" and "Standard7"
Quick Order "Standard3" and "Standard4"
Wish List "Standard3" and "Standard4"
16.15.02 (2021-09-08)
Fix Sage Pay Direct 3D Secure error.
16.15.01 (2021-01-28)
Fix cannot relate products belonging to different sellers.
16.15.00 (2021-01-07)
Improve UPS performance by querying all available shipping services in one call.
Support SagePay Direct card on file for saved payments.
16.14.00 (2020-12-16)
Checkout will now remember last selected shipping method after shipping estimation from the Cart page. Please merge your Checkout custom templates.
Fix Cart "StandardSingleStep", "StandardMultipleStep" templates cannot estimate shipping for countries without regions due to bug introduced in v16.12. Please merge your custom templates.
16.13.00 (2020-12-04)
Allow individual Currency, Category, Distributor, Manufacturer and Seller modules to specify its own display template.
Allow Product List module to specify default distributor.
Support legacy 3D Secure v1 for SagePay Direct gateway. 3D Secure v2 is already supported.
Upgrade Xero sync script to support OAuth 2.0.
Fix legacy "Standard18" and "Standard19" Product detail templates error when a product is associated to a seller.
Fix a missing localized key in product variant administration screen.
Fix minor subcategory layout in Product List "StandardGrid" template for Bootstrap 4.
Fix minor CSS issue with buttons on payment administration page.
16.12.00 (2020-11-25)
Automatically hide region/state field when not required by country (e.g. United Kingdom) for better usability. Please merge "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" in cart and checkout custom templates. Please discontinue using Model.RequireProfileSubdivision property as this will be removed in the near future.
Preview catalog products, categories, manufacturers and distributors from the Administration grid for better usabillity.
Generate new coupon code easily when editing promotion rule.
Show price with tax for products with price ranges.
Report name and description can now be localized.
Standard reports can now handle product names in non-English (United States) culture.
Allow exporting Product Attribute Definition Selection data.
Remove Glyphicon conflict if FontAwesome is detected.
Make sure Authorize.net Accept.js initialization will scroll page back down to button location on Checkout templates.
Fix Checkout should post Form data to avoid hitting URL max limit from payment gateways that perform 3D Secure redirection in "StandardSingleStep", "StandardMultipleStep" Checkout templates. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix PayPal Checkout not tolerating Pending status.
Fix missing icons.
Fix "StandardMultipleStep" Cart template missing check for quote. Please merge your custom template.
Fix show correct currency formatting in international language in Administration module.
Fix error when returning subdivisions for countries without region.
Fix error saving fulfillment method when editing on behalf of a seller.
Fix gallery administration should auto increment Display order during new upload for better usability.
Fix URL provider should not conflict if objects have the same name if a unique URL Name is provided.
Fix Product Filter module "StandardPanel" template error if Decimal or Integer attribute is missing value. Please merge custom template.
Fix FedEx should only pass subdivision code if country is North America.
Requirements and breaking changes:
REST API path changed to "Product/Search". Please merge changes for Quick Order module "StandardPanel" template.
16.11.00 (2020-10-12)
Support discount by category for "Sales order detail" type promotion.
Fix Manage Order module error due to PayPal bug introduced in v16.10.
Fix PayPal Checkout for non-USD currency and shipping to a country without a State field. Please merge your custom Cart templates.
Fix advanced URL provider to correcly handle switching between page languages will not lose context if product has different URL name that varies by culture.
16.10.00 (2020-10-07)
Support new PayPal Checkout payment gateway. Please merge your custom Cart and Checkout templates.
Revindex Standard theme is automatically installed for new Storefront Administration page on new installation for better usability.
Fix Authorize.net Accept should round transaction amount.
Fix Quick Order module "StandardPanel" template picking incorrect variant. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix Quick Order module may show duplicate products if site uses multiple Product Detail modules causing crawler to index the same product multiple times.
16.09.00 (2020-09-15)
Support Buy X Get Y basic promotion form (e.g. BOGO, Buy 2 get 1 half price).
Redesign Administration search panels for better usability.
Convert ListBox to CheckBoxList for better usability.
Add edit link to selected coupon in Administration screens to improve usability.
Track browser user agent with every new order.
Ensure clear cache action clears URL caches by culture too.
Support legacy Font Awesome 4 icons.
Minor CSS corrections.
Fix clone object redirect to incorrect Administration page.
Fix missing label for "Tier discount" promotion.
Fix DNN bug not showing Storefront menu item in Persona Bar for Administrators.
16.08.01 (2020-08-21)
Support Pargo pickup shipping provider. Please merge your Checkout custom display templates to support pickup locations.
Support Pargo print shipping label.
Support SkyNet shipping provider and generating waybill number.
Support SkyNet address validation.
Allow print and email quote from the Manage Order screen.
Fix Manage Recurring Order serialization error if recurring order contains custom field due to missing method.
Fix Format.PageMetaDescription and Format.PageMetaKeywords incorrect local resource.
Fix sales order screen error if order has a payment term selected.
16.07.00 (2020-08-07)
Support themes with new Bootstrap 4 and legacy Bootstrap 3. Please merge your custom templates if you want to start supporting Bootstrap 4.
Consolidate CrosssellProduct with QuickOrder view model in "StandardPanel" template to improve performance. Please merge your custom templates.
Redesign gallery administration for better usability. Please merge your custom Product Detail template.
Product gallery can now upload videos (mp4 and webm). Study shows 85% of millenials have purchased product after watching video. See example demo here.
Support free USPS address validation.
USPS shipping now connects to new secure https API endpoint.
Support Mozambique currency.
Remove related order links for sellers who should not be able to view orders that don't belong to them.
Fix saving voucher should not override its selected voucher definition.
Fix "StandardSingleStep", "StandardMultipleStep" Checkout and "StandardRegular" Product Detail templates not restoring values if custom fields contain reserved keywords.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Gallery object now has a new required Family property that replaces the previous DisplayOrder for grouping similar gallery items together.
16.06.00 (2020-07-15)
Storefront Administration module is now localizable. Language packs for French, Italian, German and Spanish available for download. Learn to create your own language pack.
Storefront Administration action bar for save/cancel now stays visible at all times for better usability.
Order status colors can now be changed from stylesheet.
Clear last selected tab when adding new object for better usability.
Minor changes to gallery screen for better usability.
Don't suggest login on checkout if user account is deleted or unauthorized.
Fix admin sales order screen showing duplicate countries in dropdown list.
16.05.00 (2020-06-30)
Support PayU Latam WebCheckout payment gateway.
Scroll order detail grid in "StandardPanel", "StandardNavBar" Cart Summary and "StandardSingleStep" Checkout templates for customer carts with many items.
Fix incorrect total due to shipping and handling taxes included twice from changes introduced in v15.12 and v16.1.
Fix potential jquery validation conflict with other submit button on page.
16.04.02 (2020-06-27)
Admin screen can now delete objects from the detailed view for better usability.
Fix category section is incorrectly hidden when editing product with multiple variants.
Fix variants in Product Detail module not respecting display order.
16.04.01 (2020-06-24)
Fix sales order admin screen should sort by descending date by default.
Fix import result message should not fade out.
16.04.00 (2020-06-23)
Redesign all grid tables for better usability.
Show associated variant group in grid for better usability.
Miscellaneous icon changes for better usability.
Allow searching for assigned/unassigned rights.
Fix manufacturer, distributor, warehouse, rights, vouchers selections not appearing when editing single variant from the new product screen.
16.03.00 (2020-06-20)
Redesign catalog admin screens for better usability.
Redesign sales admin screens for better usability.
Allow creating new user on sales order administration page for better usability.
Fix Page Action object reference error due to performance optimizations in 16.1.
Fix delete archived products should also delete frequently bought products relationship.
16.02.00 (2020-06-13)
Product Showcase module can now recommend Frequently Bought Together products.
Reorganize Administration module buttons to improve usability.
Fade out general alert messages after fixed delay for better usability.
Order admin can now view billing/shipping address on Google maps.
Cloning products will unset URL name until first save for better user experience.
Minimize warnings on Google structured data.
Automatically add Storefront Administration module to page and Persona Bar for new installations.
Consolidate CrosssellProduct with Cart view model in "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" templates to improve performance. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix RMA return error when a new RMA is created without any item details.
Fix Purolator shipping not handling multiple packages correctly.
Fix REST API configuration page is incorrectly disabled for Pro edition.
Fix missing Sales by manufacturer report.
Fix cross-sell product not displaying amounts in correct culture when multilanguage is enabled.
Fix Product Review admin page not showing dropdown.
Fix Sales Returns admin page not showing dropdown.
16.01.00 (2020-05-22)
Support PayWithClear payment gateway.
Support Custom Hosted payment gateway for businesses to implement their own gateway connector.
Improve performance of product list, product detail and product showcase for catalogs with many attributes, variant groups and product promotions. Revindex Demo site achieves 98% on Google PageSpeed Insights test.
Improve performance of custom rules using XSL.
Improve performance of cart, checkout, confirmation for large orders with many order detail items.
New Seller module to allow listing all products by a marketplace seller.
New Seller Commission report to help calculate net sales payment due to seller after commission.
Modernize standard reports and added several new reports. Reports can now export data to CSV.
Support conditional variant groups that show/hide depending on other selection.
Product import can now reference SellerKey instead of SellerID for easier import.
Reduce memory consumption when using GeoIP by moving to memory mapped file.
Change Authorize.Net Accept.js implementation to use popup iframe for card entry to simplify PCI requirement.
Consolidate payment method names into single resource file for easier renaming.
Automatically show distributors, manufacturers and sellers on page navigation menu.
Send email synchronously because some hosting providers (e.g. Interserver) does not allow spawning new thread.
Allow Square payment to work with non-3D Secure accounts in "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" templates. Please merge your custom templates.
Fix dashboard health should ignore incomplete orders.
Fix sales order total not including taxes from shipping and handling.
16.00.00 (2020-04-22)
New Administration main menu using Bootstrap.
Redesigned administration dashboard.
Full screen administration mode. Uses optional Revindex Standard theme on the Administration page.
Automatically show categories on the page navigation menu.
Support SagePay Direct 3D Secure v2.
Support Authorize.net Accept.js payment gateway. Authorize.net AIM, CIM and SIM are now obsolete.
Updated "StandardSingleStep", "StandardMultipleStep" checkout display templates for Authorize.net Accept. If you're using Stripe or Square payment, you may also want to merge your custom templates for some minor improvements.
15.15.00 (2020-08-03)
Fix saving voucher should not override its selected voucher definition.
15.14.00 (2020-06-30)
Fix incorrect total due to shipping and handling taxes included twice from changes introduced in v15.12
15.13.00 (2020-06-04)
Fix Purolator shipping not handling multiple packages correctly.
Send email synchronously because some hosting providers (e.g. Interserver) does not allow spawning new thread.
15.12.00 (2020-05-13)
Handle case when Avalara tax returns multiple tax amounts of the same level should be summed up.
Fix sales order total not including taxes from shipping and handling.
Fix customer admin page error if customer is a marketplace seller.
15.11.00 (2020-04-29)
Fix order admin cannot add a product that has no warehouse association if warehouse proximity match is enabled and order is tied to a particular warehouse.
Fix order detail not showing on admin screen when multiple bundled products are being ordered.
15.10.00 (2020-04-17)
Fix error exporting variant MinBookingTime and MaxBookingTime.
Fix product and variant availability rule should not override GeoIP detected location from sales order.
Fix export and REST API should always generate decimal values in invariant culture.
Fix Admin menu not switching to correct language when portal language is changed.
15.09.00 (2020-04-08)
Manage Recurring Order module redesigned using Razor.
Manage Wish List module redesigned using Razor.
Manage Payment module redesigned using Razor.
Allow place order action to submit web request with basic authentication.
Allow place order action to submit web request using PUT and DELETE methods.
Fix potential cross-site script attack.
Fix "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" checkout template race condition when browser returns from hosted payment. Please merge changes to custom templates.
15.08.00 (2020-03-17)
Manage Product Download module redesigned using Razor.
Manage Rewards Point module redesigned using Razor.
Manage Right module redesigned using Razor.
Manage Voucher module redesigned using Razor.
"StandardGrid" product list should sort by Display order and then by Name under Recommended mode.
Fix incorrect cart session check when Session Logout is disabled.
Fix checkout "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" not recognizing countries without states.
15.07.00 (2020-02-27)
Manage Address module redesigned using Razor.
Remove support for community edition.
15.06.01 (2020-02-03)
Added status for sales return detail.
15.06.00 (2020-01-24)
Support administering RMA returns.
Allow payment term availability rule to return custom message.
Disallow adding same coupon more than once.
TaxJar now avoids querying API if city, state or zip is missing.
Fix manual credit card processing incorrectly reading saved credit card expiry month.
Fix advanced URL rewriter over-matching product URL Name.
Fix product search "StandardQuery" template not triggering search on Enter.
Fix marketplace seller object reference error.
Fix logout should empty cart affecting DNN 9+.
15.05.00 (2019-12-03)
Pass SKU value in ShipWorks Code field.
Experimental support for RMA returns.
Fix reindex products should set last update date to UTC time.
Fix Euro price not recognizing comma as decimal separator in Google structured data.
Fix Product List module affecting product Display order in cache after a search.
Fix Manage Order module listing duplicate bundled parts.
Fix upgrade error caused by web.config merge in DNN 9.4.
Requirements and breaking changes:
REST API/Import changes affecting inserting or updating ProductVariant must include new CreditIntervalType, ExchangeIntervalType, RefundIntervalType, RepairIntervalType, HasSerialNumber and AllowPartialReturn properties.
15.04.00 (2019-11-14)
Manage Order module redesigned using Razor.
Manage Order module can now print and send email for incomplete orders.
Show product that is being reviewed on the product review screen.
Cloning product and variant will now generate more sensible object key names.
Minor enhancements to Google structured data.
Improve performance of the cross-sell product on the cart page.
Fix potential memory leak and database reader locks.
Fix export category should preserve ordering of parent child relationship to prevent error when importing back.
Fix admin variant screen not displaying every 11th item in grid view.
15.03.00 (2019-10-18)
Support Square payment gateway.
New product review screen to quickly administer all reviews in one place.
Support medium size (1Kg) satchel in Australia Post provider.
Update Australia Post service name changes affecting satchel shipping methods.
Allow superuser account to checkout as guest if account already exists and using email as username.
Rename "State/Province" to "Region" for consistency with DNN profile nomenclature.
Minor change to Sage payment to return certain declined errors.
Fix PaymentExpress gateway incorrectly validating declined payment.
Fix error on Checkout "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" if the configured allowed countries do not included United States.
Fix MS Edge autocomplete causing script error on checkout "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" if country does not match. Please merge changes to custom template.
Fix FileUploader in Checkout "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" and Product Detail "StandardRegular" templates not uploading non-image files (e.g. pdf). Please merge changes to custom template.
15.02.00 (2019-08-30)
Support Purolator shipping services.
Support matching product to nearest warehouse by user proximity to optimize shipping cost.
Support Net30 and COD payment terms concept.
Support 3D Secure for Stripe payment gateway for SCA compliance. Please merge changes to your custom Checkout templates.
Support Void operation for Stripe payment.
Support IP address and Geo IP look up for tax rate and exemption custom rules.
Fix error loading bundle products in Product List module.
Fix incorrect estimated taxes displayed in products with price tax inclusive when variant has conditional promotion.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Removed obsolete Checkout "Standard22" and "Standard23" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
Removed obsolete Confirmation "Standard11" display template. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
Removed obsolete ProductDetail "Standard13", "Standard14", "Standard15", "Standard16" and "Standard17" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
Removed obsolete ProductList "Standard8" display template. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
15.01.00 (2019-08-12)
Support 3D Secure for Barclaycard payment gateway for SCA compliance. Please merge changes to your custom Checkout templates.
Support 3D Secure for Sage Pay Direct payment gateway for SCA compliance.
Add Brand attribute for Google structured data.
Remove defunct Google+ sharing on product detail.
Fix DeleteUserPayment REST API not handle case when ProfileNumber is empty using Stripe gateway.
Fix UpdateUserPayment REST API overwriting data when card fails validation.
15.00.00 (2019-08-10)
Support product detail structured content for Facebook and Twitter.
Allow deleting unused archived products to free up storage space.
Add support for payment notification for Payment Express PX Pay payment gateway.
Allow sales order detail promotion to query category information in custom rule.
Support REST API services for updating saved payments.
Support REST API services for charging payments.
Restore custom hidden field value on bind in "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" templates. Please merge changes to your custom templates.
Support product variant group models in Product List template.
Fix SQL upgrade scripts to check for object qualifier before creating indices.
Fix saving single variant not changing UpdateDate.
Fix javascript error saving Stripe payment on Manage Payment page.
14.12.00 (2019-06-26)
Fix "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" checkout template incorrectly asking for payment for quote products. Please merge changes to your custom templates.
14.11.00 (2019-05-13)
Improve checkout and payment notification completion performance by sending email on a separate thread.
Generate sitemap for product categories.
Fix bundled parts overriding cache.
14.10.00 (2019-04-23)
Improved form layout for "StandardSingleStep", "StandardMultipleStep" cart, checkout and confirmation modules and "StandardRegular" product detail templates.
Checkout "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" templates will only save payment or update user profile based on configured settings.
Cardstream Direct payment gateway now supports 3D Secure.
Fixed product cloning incorrectly populates cache.
Fixed "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" checkout template not showing updated balance due when voucher or rewards points are entered. Please merge changes to your custom templates.
Fixed Manage Payment module not updating CVV number when updating a credit card with tokenization enabled.
14.09.00 (2019-04-09)
Support Cardstream Direct payment gateway.
Product search now indexes product manufacturer name.
Retain only the least expensive service by similar types returned by CouriersPlease shipping provider.
Fixed Barclaycard payment gateway incorrect hashing of non-standard ANSI characters.
Fixed Volume fit packing rule not recognizing max weight condition correctly.
Fixed "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" not defaulting company field.
14.08.00 (2019-03-19)
Support cart session override by URL using "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" cart and checkout templates.
Sales order now retains last selected currency culture after checkout.
Product percent savings now round to nearest integer instead of rounding up to next integer.
Fixed checkout "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" not passing query parameters needed to validate payment completion. Please merge changes to your custom template.
14.07.00 (2019-03-15)
Support DHL Express shipping provider.
Support converting primary to EURO currency using European Central Bank provider.
Checkout completion by payment notification should create rights for consistency.
Fixed credit card payment not working on IE and Edge for "StandardSingleStep" and "StandardMultipleStep" templates. Please merge changes to your custom template.
Fixed Australia Post shipping not returning satchel shipping option if package depth is non-zero.
Fixed Cart Summary "StandardNavBar" template not maintaining opened panel after mouse out event on panel. Please merge changes to your custom template.
14.06.02 (2019-03-03)
Support IE11 for Checkout template "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep".
Fixed Checkout template "StandardSingleStep" not updating phone number on place order. Please merge changes to your custom template.
Fixed Checkout template "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" place order race condition causing payment not being added. Please merge changes to your custom template.
14.06.01 (2019-02-26)
Fixed Checkout template "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" not saving shipping phone. Please merge changes to your custom template.
14.06.00 (2019-02-21)
Razor template using Bootstrap 3 for WishList module
Support displaying Text next to a CheckBox custom field.
Removed obsolete Yahoo and FareBookings currency provider, replaced with European Central Bank provider.
Support similar product concept in Product Showcase.
Minor layout improvements to "StandardSingleStep" Checkout display template.
Fixed coupon field not displaying in new Checkout "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" templates when Show coupon is unchecked in the Cart setting.
Fixed javascript polyfill loaded twice error causing product filter not to work on IE11 when product search module is on the same page.
Fixed unable to save fulfillment method for non-zero portal.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New WishList "StandardPanel" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete WishList "Standard1" and "Standard2" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
14.05.00 (2019-02-02)
Product detail now ignores variant in canonical URL for better SEO for older templates.
Fixed Checkout "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" javascript error when custom field contains InputControlWidth value.
Fixed advanced URL provider not refreshing cache in async cache mode if product list is not visited.
Fixed Authorize.net SIM not properly encoding "++" sign in notification response.
14.04.00 (2019-01-29)
Razor template using Bootstrap 3 for Checkout module.
New Checkout "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" templates support checking out with saved payments for quicker checkout.
Authorize.net SIM end of life migration from MD5 to SHA512 signature key. Click here for more details.
Product detail now ignores variant in canonical URL for better SEO.
Fixed portal import requiring MSDTC.
Fixed admin form change warning incorrectly picking up saved changes.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New Checkout "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" display templates. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Checkout "Standard14", "Standard15", "Standard16", "Standard17", "Standard18", "Standard19", "Standard20" and "Standard21" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
14.03.01 (2019-01-17)
Updated customer administration screen to allow searching by username, name, email, etc.
Updated Elavon payment gateway.
Australia Post now sends zero depth for Bag (satchel) package type.
Performance enhancements made to the administration module.
Storefront admin now defaults to standard query parameter URL for better performance.
Prevent administration breadcrumb navigation from exceeding browser URL length.
Fixed product detail breadcrumb now refers to product name instead of page title.
Fixed product list returning duplicate products by manufacturer or distributor.
Fixed advanced URL provider not correctly handling multi-language lookup.
Fixed variant cannot save if name is too long causing it to exceed object key column length.
14.02.01 (2019-01-03)
Fixed Firefox reporting root element not found error when REST API returns empty content.
Fixed Advanced URL provider not initializing from cache.
14.02.00 (2019-01-03)
Major performance improvements to the Product List module.
PayPal Website Payments Pro gateway can now perform partial refund.
14.01.00 (2018-12-11)
Major performance improvements using indices for cache, async data cache loading, refactored queries.
Fixed search not indexing multi language pages.
Fixed cache not updated when saving product category association.
Minor CSS fixes
14.00.00 (2018-11-19)
Support TaxJar tax provider.
Support Barclaycard payment gateway.
Product Detail "StandardRegular" template now prints price ranges if using modifer rule with tier pricing.
Reduce number of recorded errors in packing rule when product does not fit largest available package.
13.06.00 (2018-11-26)
Set new user payment as preferred payment for recurring order and previous re-occurrence orders if not yet set.
13.05.00 (2018-10-18)
Support entire portal export/import of most catalog data.
Advanced URL provider will fallback to portal default language instead of en-US first.
Attempt to match with any English culture language text if en-US localized text is not found.
Improved Product List performance.
Improved product promotion performance to reduce user role lookup.
Improved REST API performance.
Fixed Product Detail error when product Summary is null.
Fixed Volume Fit rule incorrectly favoring dynamically created packages when larger packages are available.
Fixed place order action rule passing twice the salesOrderDetailID to input.
Fixed catalog export missing product attributes from variants.
13.04.00 (2018-08-18)
New currency switch module allowing customers to switch currencies independent of language.
Support sorting product list items by SKU.
Improved Volume Fit packing rule to optimize for cases where remaining products can fit into a smaller package.
Allow deleting a user payment that is tied to a recurring order.
Allow setting a custom price for a future recurring order that overrides the calculated product price.
Allow setting the next payment retry date for an order with incomplete payments.
Improved report performance by disabling unnecessary view state on data grid.
Prevent Chrome ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR error when editing a custom display template due to HTML tags being posted.
Log URL and User Agent request to Event Viewer for Razor templates if exception error occurs.
Fixed multi-column admin menu incorrectly wrapping on Generic and Polo skins due to extra CSS padding.
Fixed booking product not recognizing booked inventory from orders with processing and pending status.
Fixed bundled product image CSS to handle case when image is very tall and overlapping title.
Fixed error logged to event viewer when visiting an invalid product using the "RegularStandard" template due to Google structured data occurring in the wrong place.
Fixed product detail "StandardRegular" template lightbox not working with certain Bootstrap 3 by downgrading to ekko-lightbox v4.0.2.
Fixed checkout redirect error from PayPal when Authorize.net CIM is enabled and rewards points are applied.
13.03.00 (2018-06-30)
Razor template using Bootstrap 3 for QuickOrder module.
Support Google structured data for product detail to improve SEO.
Support displaying the number of products by category.
Support displaying the number of products by manufacturer.
Support displaying the number of products by distributor.
Support displaying the number of ratings received.
Support token replacement in product download URL.
Voucher admin screen now shows whether voucher is assigned to order.
Sort user address dropdown by name first.
Improve product admin search performance.
Handle product search indexing even in cases where portal aliases are missing primary.
Product search with default AND phrase operator will now filter out most non-alpha letters and digits.
Modified custom field results in default communication templates to display values in comma delimited for nicer formatting.
During checkout if "Update my profile" is checked, it should not update email address to avoid conflict with requiresUniqueEmail restriction.
Fixed license error when running with older Revindex products due to removal of obsolete method.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template from recording error into event log if page URL is invalid.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" displaying bundled part price without promotion.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New Quick Order"StandardPanel" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete QuickOrder "Standard1" and "Standard2" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
13.02.00 (2018-05-22)
Advanced URL provider is now case-insensitive.
Allow charging a tokenized card in sales order screen.
Fixed import where two adjacent rows with duplicate names may cause object keys to be duplicate.
Fixed Stripe payment in "Standard25" template conflicts with other payment methods.
Fixed error creating a right definition in non-zero portal.
13.01.00 (2018-05-03)
Compatibility support for DNN 9.2.
13.00.00 (2018-05-01)
Stripe now performs client side tokenization using latest "Standard25" display template.
Checkout now hides Register and Login links if registration is private or disabled in DNN.
PayPal Express now avoids sending shipping address in transaction if order does not require shipping to prevent PayPal from refusing transaction if the shipping country does not match customer's billing info.
Added Select all/Deselect all buttons to easily choose allowed countries settings.
Cloning product should not cause variants to be cloned with extra asterisk in the name.
Allow marking all products for reindexing at the next scheduled crawling.
Allow HTML text in custom field labels for Product Detail "StandardRegular" template.
Fixed calendar custom field not recognizing default date.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New Checkout "Standard25" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
12.11.00 (2018-07-11)
Fixed booking product not recognizing booked inventory from orders with processing and pending status.
12.10.00 (2018-04-13)
FTNI payment gateway allows passing settlement account.
Fixed "Volume fit" packing rule not recognizing fill factor decimal saved in non-English culture.
Fixed issue with not able to enter license key if admin URL is in lowercase.
Fixed incorrect booking inventory validation.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template ignored max length in custom field of textbox type.
12.09.00 (2018-03-23)
Fixed UPS incorrectly passing weight with incorrect decimal format when running under European language.
Fixed checkout error when paying fully with voucher or rewards points.
12.08.00 (2018-03-19)
Request KO Javascript library registration instead of directly referencing it to improve performance and prevent double loading error.
Fixed Product Component and Product Part export should not included soft deleted items.
12.07.00 (2018-02-23)
Product List "StandardGrid" template now includes rel nofollow in the grid/list view mode to prevent robot indexing.
Fixed missing canonical link in product detail page.
Fixed Product Filter not displaying if Product List has a custom sort set at the module level.
Fixed FedEx Freight not handling edge case where dimension exceed 144 inches.
12.06.00 (2018-02-16)
Import will now ignore row if it cannot locate the object to update or delete by the identifier or key.
Import now supports update action for product attribute, product component and product part.
Fixed checkout will throw error when country is disabled, but the user has already saved a country in his profile or address control.
12.05.00 (2018-02-07)
Import now supports column name mapping.
Import can now insert with configurable default values without needing to specify every column.
Import can now update only columns that need changing.
Import can now update using object identifier or object key if available.
Fixed incorrect persona bar menu link.
Fixed only send cart abandon email if there are at least one item in the cart.
Fixed "StandardPanel" Product Filter display template incorrectly setting more than one selected filter affecting IE browser.
Fixed bundled product incorrectly validates max order quantity if set and quantity ordered is greater than one.
12.04.00 (2018-01-22)
Support ACH/eCheck payment method for FTNI payment gateway.
Create link from Persona Bar to Storefront page during installation.
Support Total Apps Direct Post payment gateway.
Support FTNI payment gateway.
Allow specifying a custom filter for the Product List module.
Product filter can now filter by seller.
Allow promotion custom rule to query SKU.
Include product modifier custom rule template for modifying booking price by the hour.
Support table session storage for longer session persistence.
Expose attributes in product model for the Product Showcase module.
Support MyTokens replacement in XSL place order action rules.
Log payment declined error in checkout page.
Fixed Peach Xml Integrator payment gateway not recognizing MasterCard Debit type.
Fixed Checkout module should always request available shipping methods after clicking Same as billing.
Fixed Payment reconciliation report by date to account for different transaction types.
Fixed Corduro payment gateway not recognizing correct declined transactions.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New Checkout "Standard24" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
12.03.00 (2017-11-23)
Support Sage MAS 50 integration (sold separately).
Support Sage Payments Direct payment gateway.
Allow Product List module using Razor template to default to a category or manufacturer when no explicit category or manufacturer is requested.
Allow searching products in admin by category, manufacturer, distributor.
Allow default tax to be selected when creating a new product variant, shipping or handling.
Initialize default tax class, packages and packing method on installation to simplify merchant set up.
Support 500g and 5Kg satchel services with Australia Post.
Packing rule will now dynamically generate a package if no existing package can hold over-sized product instead of throwing error.
Category, Manufacturer and Distributor modules now favors linking to Product List on the same page if present.
Checkout ("Standard23" template) recognizes switched effective user session when populating information.
Fixed product filter does not reset page number.
Fixed product using redirect to another page throwing error.
12.02.00 (2017-10-15)
Improved communication template usability by exposing formatted amounts.
Balance due now avoids showing negative amount.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template add to cart error when quantity text box is hidden.
Fixed admin cannot reset default template for "Recurring order payment retry" template.
Fixed email and print communication templates missing space character between first and last name.
Fixed Telerik RadListBox and RadTreeView scroll error on Chrome.
Fixed razor templates not displaying modified price with initial custom field values.
12.01.00 (2017-09-26)
Allow setting effective user during shopping session to allow customer service rep to place order on behalf of another user.
Fixed checkout configuration screen not saving custom field label name.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template not showing variant specific descriptions.
12.00.00 (2017-09-20)
Razor template using Bootstrap 3 for Cart and Confirmation modules.
Support Geo IP lookup in product, variant, checkout custom availability rules to allow restricting access by country, region and postal code. Requires MaxMind GeoIP file to be placed in App_Data folder.
New Mollie payment gateway implementation supporting all payment types. Previous Mollie supports only iDEAL payment.
Support CouriersPlease shipping provider.
Allow advanced URL provider to work with multiple languages.
Support allowable list of quantity numbers displayed as a dropdown. e.g 1, 3, 5-7
Allow product search to use logical AND conjunction instead of the default OR conjunction.
Update USPS service name changes affecting First Class Mail Parcel shipping method.
Added support for USPS First Class Mail Large Envelope shipping method.
Improved suggested SEO URL Name generation to minimize URL collision.
Fixed product detail "StandardRegular" template render error when a product is not available for purchase.
Fixed missing ServicesFramework javascript reference for pages that don't already include library.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Removed obsolete Cart "Standard10", "Standard11" and "Standard12" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Cart "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" display templates. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Confirmation "Standard7", "Standard8", "Standard9" and "Standard10" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Confirmation "StandardMultipleStep" and "StandardSingleStep" display templates. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Mollie API key credential must be re-entered if previously using older Mollie payment gateway.
Added new ProductVariant.AllowableOrderQuantity property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
11.09.00 (2017-09-26)
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template not showing variant specific descriptions.
11.08.00 (2017-09-22)
Fixed checkout configuration screen not saving custom field label name.
11.07.00 (2017-09-05)
Include Telerik binaries for backward compatibility.
Improved search crawling performance by returning only changed products since last indexing.
Fixed Telerik ComboBox not rendering CSS correctly in UpdatePanel.
Fixed gallery tile images not changing when alternate text contains apostrophe in older Product Detail web form templates.
Fixed dashboard chart not displaying for non-English cultures.
11.06.01 (2017-08-12)
Improved performance of Product Detail "StandardRegular" display template.
11.06.00 (2017-08-08)
Fixed variant group image swatch images cannot be saved.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular", Product List "StandardGrid", Product Showcase "StandardCarousel", Product Comparison "StandardTable" templates not respecting show/hide prices.
Fixed installer creating pages with missing Administrators permission.
11.05.00 (2017-07-31)
Fixed Product Search "StandardQuery" template double encoding input value on display.
Fixed bulk capture orders not working because balance due is zero.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template cannot upload file in custom field using IE11.
Fixed Product Detail "StandardRegular" template passing non-null custom field causing products added to cart to show on separate sales order detail line item.
Fixed Product List pager not respecting number of pages after product filtering.
Fixed Product List "StandardGrid", Product Detail "StandardRegular", Product Showcase "StandardCarousel" templates now show savings from MSRP.
11.04.00 (2017-06-26)
Razor template using Bootstrap 3 for Product Detail module.
Increased SKU, Manufacturer SKU, Distributor SKU max length from 50 to 100 characters.
Manual payment processing now sets the response code to Approved for uniformity.
Improved FedEx rate accuracy by removing unnecessary rounding up of dimensions.
Improved Volume Fit packing rule to ensure products can fit into package dimensions.
Recurring order now re-occurs at the same time as the original order date time instead of 00:00 hours.
Support negotiated rates in UPS.
Added city field in Cart display template needed to estimate FedEx Freight shipping.
Fixed sales order detail promotion running order.
Fixed Web API not returning TabID from same page culture.
Fixed Product Filter "StandardPanel" javascript error on IE11.
Fixed UPS using incorrect unit of measure for origin countries that use metric system.
Fixed product custom field admin not properly showing input field values after saving.
Fixed inconsistent visibility style in Category, Manufacturer, Distributor, Product Filter templates under mobile view.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Removed obsolete Product Detail "Standard11" and "Standard12" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product Detail "StandardRegular" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features. Related products are now shown using the Product Showcase module. Custom fields must use Basic form instead of ASP.NET custom code.
Removed obsolete Cart "Standard6", "Standard7", "Standard8" and "Standard9" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Cart "Standard14" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
11.03.00 (2017-04-12)
Improved product search results ordering.
Support tokenization in Corduro payment gateway.
Increase Corduro certificate credential field in database.
Prevent processing expired credit cards to reduce merchant fees.
Expose promotionResults node in sales order detail type promotion.
Fixed concurrency issue with product list that contains bundled products.
Fixed edit display template from other configuration pages returns folder not found error.
Fixed CSS to restrict very tall image from exceeding gallery container.
11.02.00 (2017-03-22)
Fixed search, category, distributor, manufacturer modules incorrectly referencing non-default product list module if multiple product list modules are used.
Fixed error serializing EstimatedRateWithTax.
11.01.00 (2017-03-16)
Update product review now clears cache.
Sellers can now only view customers belonging to them.
Transmit billing address to Zooz payment gateway.
Increase max frame and scroll duration for product showcase module.
Fixed error creating a new product variant.
Fixed allow product comparison in new product list template.
11.00.00 (2017-03-04)
Razor templates using Bootstrap 3 for Cart Summary, Category, Distributor, Manufacturer, Product Filter, Product List, Product Search, Product Showcase modules.
Support DNNSharp MyTokens and DNN Token replacement in product descriptions and basic communication templates.
Support image swatch in product variant groups.
Support Payment Express (DPS) PXPay and PXPost payment gateways.
Support Corduro payment gateway.
Improved performance with newly restored XML indexes.
Improved performance of communication configuration page.
Improved usability for managing related products. Support bi-directional relation.
Improved usability for managing product categories.
Add new gallery image now defaults to next display order numbering for better usability.
XSL tokens now use single curly braces instead of double right angles for better usability.
Enhanced shipping and handling tier rate rule to allow setting a tier amount.
Modified balanced due calculation is now the sum of authorized, purchase, void and refund transaction types instead of the sum of purchase, capture and refund transaction types.
Processing from preorder to real order now considers balanced due amount instead of total amount.
Reduced memory footprint usage previously consumed by communication templates.
Make product color swatch easier to pick for white color against a white background page.
Support Hidden and Literal controls in basic custom fields.
Expose sku node in place order action rule.
Currency format now defaults to shorter $8.88 instead of USD $8.88.
Generate more meaningful object key values during creation for import and export operations.
Expose MSRP node in communication email templates model.
Changed add coupon, voucher and rewards point button to use explicit "Apply" button for better usability.
Workaround DNN bug not passing culture code to advanced URL provider.
Updated MasterCard Internet Gateway (ANZ eGate) compatibility change from MD5 to SHA256 hashing.
Support Zambian currency.
Fixed Product Showcase module settings cannot unset Visible Max Items once set.
Fixed Peach payment gateway redirecting to wrong 3D Secure URL.
Fixed XSL rule editor throwing javascript error affecting Chrome when panel is scrolled.
Fixed Canada Post shipping error during checkout.
Fixed Zip2Tax configuration fail test connection if not subscribed to California state.
Fixed error deleting cart order detail with bundled products.
Fixed bundled product may not show up on other modules after Product List has been rendered.
Fixed Top Paying Customers by Sales Orders report not using object qualifier.
Fixed Product Showcase cannot add to cart if quantity textbox is hidden.
Fixed installer will not postback because UpdatePanel1 is not registered with ScriptManager.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Razor templates require Bootstrap 3 normally included with your skin.
New Cart Summary "StandardPanel" and "StandardNavBar" display templates. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Cart Summary "Standard1", "Standard2" and "Standard3" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Category "StandardList" and "StandardTree" display templates. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Category "Standard2" display template. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Checkout "Standard23" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Checkout "Standard11", "Standard12" and "Standard13" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Distributor "StandardList" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Manufacturer "StandardList" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Manufacturer "Standard1" display template. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product Comparison "StandardTable" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Product Comparison "Standard1" and "Standard2" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product Detail "Standard19" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Product Detail "Standard8", "Standard9" and "Standard10" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product Filter "StandardPanel" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Product Filter "Standard1" and "Standard2" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product List "StandardGrid" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Product List "Standard4", "Standard5", "Standard6" and "Standard7" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product Search "StandardQuery" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Product Search "Standard1" display template. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
New Product Showcase "StandardCarousel" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Removed obsolete Product Showcase "Standard2", "Standard3", "Standard4" and "Standard5" display templates. Custom templates using these base templates must be recreated.
10.02.00 (2016-10-31)
Fixed cannot save masked credit card in Manage payment module.
Fixed Elavon Virtual Merchant payment gateway require ISO country code instead of country name.
Fixed category import overwriting text descriptions of another language.
Fixed recurring order passing wrong store name in payment description when operating in multi-language.
10.01.00 (2016-10-13)
Masked credit card numbers in Manage Payment module.
Fixed inaccurate total savings amount displayed during checkout.
Fixed error when retrieving null session on special 404 page.
Fixed missing Vendors table error in DNN 8.0.4.
10.00.00 (2016-09-30)
Support Canada Post shipping services.
Support FedEx LTL Freight shipping services.
Support UPS LTL Freight shipping services.
Support Southeastern Freight Lines shipping services.
Updated Australia Post API new end point breaking changes.
Updated Australia Post service code breaking changes for international shipping services.
Packing calculation results are now shown on the sales order admin screen.
Support printing packing slips.
Improved usability on custom field results shown on admin screen.
Improved advanced URL provider performance by using cache to query products and variants.
Improved search indexing performance by using cache to query products and variants.
Improved performance during multiple concurrent requests by using locks to synchronize cache initialization.
Variant group can now specify an explicit color code separate from the displayed name.
Added ability to quickly associate variants to variant groups.
Added View Cart button to Product Detail page.
Added Continue Shopping button to Product Detail page.
Added InsertVoucher, UpdateVoucher, DeleteVoucher services in REST API.
Allow deleting payment record in sales order screen.
Flat discount sales order detail promotion rule can now apply promotion to all or selected products only.
Ensure returnurl query parameter generator checks for ampersand sign when merging with non-friendly URL.
Increase verbosity of debug log for real-time shipping to log more information for troubleshooting.
Added shortcut to edit display template from Product Detail configuration page.
Merchants can now configure accepted payment methods for PayU Business payment gateway.
Fixed scheduler to check for orders with valid UserID before attempting to reward points.
Fixed retry incomplete payment scheduler will attempt on unnecessary orders.
Fixed sales order detail admin re-saves incorrect product dimensions and weight.
Fixed communication print templates overriding template of another language during save operation.
Fixed custom fields on sales order admin screen is hidden when checkout configuration is disabled.
Fixed payment configuration screen unable to reach VCS payment gateway settings page to enter credentials.
Fixed cannot create real-time shipping method if a marketplace seller already has the same shipping method created.
Fixed cannot save shipping, fulfillment and tax provider credentials for non-zero portal ID.
Fixed new product creates incorrect variant sales type.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New ProductDetail "Standard18" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
You must specify the ColorCode value for the ProductVariantGroupOption when using color picker field types during the file import or REST API service.
You must specify your PayU Business accepted payment methods, otherwise it will default to credit card and PayU wallet.
09.01.00 (2016-07-26)
Support recurring min repeat to disallow customer from cancelling future recurring order until the minimum repeat is reached.
Cart, Cart Summary, Checkout and Confirmation modules now display amounts tax included when price display mode is set to "Show price tax inclusive".
Support MasterCard new BIN number series range.
Fixed search indexing error when using human friendly URL format.
Fixed checkout now refreshes available shipping methods after adding or removing coupon.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Added new ProductVariant.RecurringMinRepeat property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
09.00.02 (2016-07-06)
Make full use of configured default country throughout store and not just in checkout.
Resolve optimistic concurrency conflicts during SQL updates.
Use read committed transaction isolation level during checkout to prevent deadlocks.
Fixed bundled product single selection part losing selected radio button state.
Fixed error estimating tax in product list for bundled products when show price with tax inclusive is enabled.
Fixed cart abandon email will not send if billing email is empty but user email is available.
Fixed scheduled emails may not send due to missing portal settings for timezone lookup.
09.00.01 (2016-06-24)
Increased display template name limit from 20 to 30 characters.
Avoid checkout SQL transaction from escalating to DTC.
09.00.00 (2016-06-03)
Products can now be configured for sale or RFQ (request for quote).
Support booking products. Products can now be reserved by hour, day, week, month suitable for events, rentals, hotels, etc.
Automatically email customer when order has shipped.
One-way sync to Xero accounting (require separate license).
Support PayPal breaking changes requiring NVP POST method.
Normalized country and region with DNN core lists and use DNN core localization.
Merchant can now easily configure the allowable countries for checkout and default selected country.
Support optional default category shown on product detail breadcrumb if no category is selected to help customers locate similar products.
Improved Volume fit packing rule accuracy for cases when buying many items of the same dimension.
Improved social share buttons load performance.
Include shipping name in default sales order receipt, invoice, alert email and print templates.
Minor usability improvements to shipping administration page.
Added admin notes area for sales order detail and recurring sales order for better record keeping.
Avoid copying product and variant URL name when cloning to prevent URL conflicts.
Store UTC time instead of local time.
Displayed time now respects portal timezone.
Use stronger transaction isolation level during checkout to prevent product inventory update collisions.
Updated "Sales orders by date" report to include new statuses.
Added configuration to allow non-host user to create custom reports.
Added configuration to allow cart session to persist even if user logged out.
Allow changing display order for product part in administration screen.
Simplify upgrade from trial to production software without needing to reinstall software.
Fixed export product component missing Name column.
Fixed surcharge XSL custom rule not calculating for real-time shipping.
Fixed incorrect notification of the wrong module to the search crawler when product has changed.
Fixed potential checkout error if customer adds product that can cause shipping method not to be available anymore.
Fixed incorrect object reference causing product sales promotion error.
Fixed missing analytics link to the page for entering Google Analytics credentials.
Minor CSS fixes.
Requirements and breaking changes:
Require new license v2.0 for all Revindex software. Contact sales for license key if you use multiple Revindex products.
New Cart "Standard13" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Cart Summary "Standard5" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Checkout "Standard22" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Confirmation "Standard13" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Product Detail "Standard17" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Product List "Standard10" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Product Showcase "Standard7" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Quick Order "Standard4" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Wish List "Standard4" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Added new sales order status type "Quoted".
Added new ProductVariant.SalesType property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.InventoryUnitType property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.MinOrderUnit property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.MaxOrderUnit property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.BookingRule property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.MinBookingDate property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.MaxBookingDate property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.MinBookingTime property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new ProductVariant.MaxBookingTime property to ProductVariant API and import/export.
Added new SalesOrderDetail.Status property to SalesOrderDetail API and export.
Added new SalesOrderDetail.BookingStartDate property to SalesOrderDetail API and export.
Added new SalesOrderDetail.BookingStopDate property to SalesOrderDetail API and export.
Added new ProductCategory.DefaultCategory property to ProductCategory API and import/export.
08.00.04 (2016-05-31)
Fixed product search not displaying for non-administrative user.
08.00.03 (2016-03-29)
Fixed paging issue with admin sales order detail screen.
08.00.02 (2016-03-23)
Fixed javascript errors in custom rule editor.
08.00.01 (2016-03-17)
Ensure all relevant binaries that connect to external sites are capable of TLS 1.2 security.
Improve Volume fit packing rule performance and accuracy.
Improve UPS shipping performance.
08.00.00 (2016-03-15)
Support DNN 8.
Major performance improvements recompiled under .NET 4.5.
Modules are now added to page like any regular DNN module for a more consistent usabilty experience.
Automatically re-attempt processing payment for previously incomplete recurring order.
New payment alert email notification.
Optionally verify saved credit card by authorizing a small amount to help ensure recurring transactions are successful.
Dashboard will warn any missing required modules not yet added to page.
REST API now available in JSON or XML.
Update USPS service name changes affecting First Class Package International and GXG shipping methods.
Removed obsolete codes in DNN 7.
Minor CSS fixes.
Fixed admin customer not saving sales payment origin value.
Requirements and breaking changes:
07.06.03 (2016-10-31)
Fixed Elavon Virtual Merchant payment gateway require ISO country code instead of country name.
Fixed category import overwriting text descriptions of another language.
Fixed recurring order passing wrong store name in payment description when operating in multi-language.
Fixed surcharge XSL custom rule not calculating for real-time shipping.
07.06.02 (2016-10-25)
Masked credit card numbers in Manage Payment module.
Fixed sales order detail admin re-saves incorrect product dimensions and weight.
Fixed communication print templates overriding template of another language during save operation.
Fixed custom fields on sales order admin screen is hidden when checkout configuration is disabled.
Fixed cannot create real-time shipping method if a marketplace seller already has the same shipping method created.
Fixed cannot save shipping, fulfillment and tax provider credentials for non-zero portal ID.
07.06.01 (2016-06-29)
Avoid checkout SQL transaction from escalating to DTC.
07.06.00 (2016-05-13)
Ensure all relevant binaries that connect to external sites are capable of TLS 1.2 security.
Improve Volume fit packing rule performance and accuracy.
07.05.05 (2016-03-02)
Fixed incorrect social share URLs.
07.05.04 (2016-02-24)
Fixed search index breaking variants for sites running non-default language using advanced URL format for DNN 7.3+.
07.05.03 (2016-02-17)
Fixed search index breaking variants for sites using advanced URL format for DNN 7.3+.
Requirements and breaking changes:
07.05.02 (2016-02-15)
Update USPS service name changes affecting Standard Post shipping methods.
Fixed missing inventory calculation for bundled products.
07.05.01 (2016-02-11)
Reusing anonymous user during checkout will now also check for existing users by email and not just by username.
Expose city and street information to product and checkout availability rules for query.
Fixed incorrect initial value for StartRecurringIntervalType in product variant.
Fixed incorrect validation of variant min and max order inventory.
Fixed import and export should include RightDefinitionID for ProductVariant entity.
Fixed REST API should include RightDefinitionID for ProductVariant entity.
Fixed REST API should ignore ProductComponentID and ProductPartID when performing insert service.
Fixed sample input typos in Right email receipt template.
07.05.00 (2016-02-06)
Support bundled products.
Support license key and serial number rights distribution.
Enable social share buttons (facebook, linkedin, twitter, pinterest, google) on product detail page.
Support new Google Universal Analytics tracking.
Support Unishippers shipping provider.
Support printing of confirmation page.
Added continue shopping button on confirmation page.
Removed unnecessary SQL transactions in many admin setting pages to improve performance and reduce DTC escalation.
Minor usability improvements to admin screens.
Performance improvements when deleting objects.
Make PayFast PDT validation optional instead of mandatory.
Disallow preorders from being paid by customer in the Manage Order screen.
Handle lowercase page view grid or list mode on Product List module.
Expose SKU, shipping code to shipping and handling method XSL rules.
Expose product categories to Sales order detail type promotion custom rule.
Usability improvements in XSL custom rules.
Fixed required product quantity should respect variant max order quantity.
Fixed error importing product attributes that are not of definition type "Selection".
Fixed store not recognizing default user country and region.
Fixed product filter shows attributes from unavailable variants.
Fixed First Data Global Gateway not recognizing SSL certificate.
Fixed PayU Business payment gateway not completing transaction after successful checkout.
Fixed Volume Fit packing rule not calculating the correct number of packages.
Fixed product availability rule logging unnecessary errors.
Fixed cross-sell product not handling add to cart when quantity textbox is hidden.
Fixed cannot repurpose sales order object to a different warehouse or seller when adding product to cart from a different seller or warehouse.
Fixed delete voucher definition may not unset all product variants.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New ProductDetail "Standard16" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Confirmation "Standard12" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
Dropped support for Medium Trust since DNN officially dropped support for Medium Trust as well.
07.04.05 (2015-11-10)
Fixed incorrect unit length conversion after saving product variant.
07.04.04 (2015-11-03)
Fixed transaction escalation to DTC when saving product.
07.04.03 (2015-10-31)
Allow clearing Storefront cache from the General configuration page.
Clean entity addresses without country code. Improved handling of situation when IIS is restarted right before a postback on checkout page.
Fixed XSLT compilation under Medium trust.
Fixed Authorize.Net SIM broke compatibility changes in their relay URL.
Fixed cloning product needs to refresh gallery cache.
Fixed saving single variant needs to clear cache.
Fixed MasterCard Internet Gateway Service for OMR currency.
07.04.02 (2015-10-16)
Fixed recurring payment for credit card with tokenization.
Fixed packing admin page shows duplicate save buttons.
Fixed shipping admin page shows wrong grid page count.
Fixed initializing handling method earlier on cart page.
07.04.01 (2015-10-04)
Fixed error in invoice and receipt print templates.
Demo license fix.
07.04.00 (2015-09-14)
Easily list products for auction or sale on eBay.
Support Zooz payment gateway.
Merchant can now print receipt and invoice from sales admin page.
Customer can now print receipt and invoice from manage order page.
Product showcase can display products by category.
Refactored sales order admin screen to improve usability.
Handle CKEditor escaping quote entities breaking XSL tokens.
Support SagePay Form v3.0 protocol. Sage Pay will discontinue all v2.x protocol.
Coupon basic availability rule can now restrict by product and category.
Improve license reading performance to speed up all admin pages.
Calculate sales order detail promotions earlier in the cart page.
Include SolutionID in Authorize.Net payment gateway.
Fixed manage payment page not saving sales payment origin value.
07.03.00 (2015-06-23)
Support advanced URL extension provider to generate nice clean URL. e.g. http://site.com/product/apple-ipad
Support outputting canonical URL for SEO improvements.
Merchant can now add/remove advanced features to simplify admin screen and improve usability.
Redesigned installer to make new installation simpler.
Quick setup wizard for new installations.
Simplify variant input for simple products with no variations.
Support Stripe payment gateway.
Allow direct editing of product from product detail page.
Support new DNN 7.3.3 localized region and country profiles.
Dashboard now shows quarterly sales snapshot.
Dashboard now shows useful links and news to educate and keep merchants up-to-date with changes.
Automatically increase maxUrlLength in web.config.
07.02.01 (2015-05-11)
Support PayPal Express recurring for older checkout display templates.
Fixed export product variant group option error.
Fixed clone product should initialize new unique key for all dependent objects.
Fixed availability and promotion rules not correctly handling expired roles.
Fixed slider for price filter not showing.
07.02.00 (2015-04-12)
Simplified almost every admin UI pages to reduce scrolling, improve usability and optimize for touch screens.
Improve usability with many cross-links between dashboard, orders, recurring orders, products, variants to easily navigate between related data.
Many performance improvements to admin UI pages.
Support CodeMirror for display template code editor. Require DNN 7.2+ otherwise it will fallback to normal textarea.
Display template editor can now compare and merge changes from other templates easily. Require DNN 7.2+ otherwise it will fallback to normal textarea.
Display template grid can now clone template easily.
Prompt user if page has unsaved changes when leaving admin page.
Recurring product can set first recurring start date. e.g. you can give first 14 days free before starting monthly subscription.
Complete redesigned of import/export feature.
Import can use file already on server or file upload.
Export can download or save to file on server.
Support exporting almost every catalog entities and sales orders.
Support importing almost every catalog entities.
Support insert, update and delete operations in catalog import.
Allow exporting only subset of data for quick edit.
Import CSV can use different column delimiters (comma, semicolon, tab, etc.)
Import/export can handle localized translated text.
Support CyberSource payment gateway.
Support recurring payment with PayPal Express.
Sales order grid can show configurable items per page.
Product grid can show configurable items per page.
Support bulk updating order status.
Support bulk capture payment of orders.
Support tracking min and max inventory per variant.
Improved low inventory report now takes into account min and max inventory.
Support searching for backorder, empty, understock and overstock product inventories in product catalog screen.
Support anonymous product reviews.
Merchant can moderate product reviews.
Support configurable max product reviews per user.
Product variant can now override product SEO fields including URL name, page title, meta keywords and meta description.
Allow configuring the max visible items in product showcase.
Product list breadcrumb now retains the current page instead of being overriden by selected category.
Add to wish list button now redirects to respective wish list detail.
Allow recurring order reminder email for recurring orders with preorder set.
Format nicer order date in email templates.
Expose preferredUserPayment, origin, status, shippingStatus and salesPaymentStatus to the input in the handling method rule.
Avoid sending email if the TO and BCC recipient fields are empty.
When a preorder convert into an order, it will only process payment if the payment status is Incomplete.
Fixed entity validation error if ProductVariant.PreorderInterval is less than 0.
Minor CSS fixes.
Requirements and breaking changes:
New ProductDetail "Standard15" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
All new CSV import file format.
When inserting using API, Category entity must supply a unique CategoryKey.
When inserting using API, Distributor entity must supply a unique DistributorKey.
When inserting using API, Manufacturer entity must supply a unique ManufacturerKey.
When inserting using API, Product entity must supply a unique ProductKey.
When inserting using API, ProductAttributeDefinition entity must supply a unique ProductAttributeDefinitionKey.
When inserting using API, ProductVariant entity must supply a unique ProductVariantKey.
When inserting using API, ProductVariantGroup entity must supply a unique ProductVariantGroupKey.
When inserting using API, ProductVariantGroupOption entity must supply a unique ProductVariantGroupOptionKey.
When inserting using API, Warehouse entity must supply a unique WarehouseKey.
When inserting using API, ProductVariant entity must supply StartRecurringInterval, StartRecurringIntervalType
07.01.01 (2015-02-10)
Fixed product attribute definition will not save for non-numeric type.
07.01.00 (2015-02-02)
Support preordering ahead of time for recurring orders so that customers can be invoiced earlier for payment.
Support taking preorders from admin interface. Preorders can automatically convert to normal order on selected date or when product becomes available.
Added new Preordered status for orders.
Support CashFlows Remote API payment gateway.
Support EU VAT MOSS 2015 tax changes.
Support setting product, cross-sell product, voucher, coupon and promotion start and stop time components.
Allow enabling shipping form on PayPal Standard.
Allow configuring step size for a decimal or integer type product filter.
Improve product list performance when show price tax inclusive is enabled.
Improve catalog product performance on admin page.
Allow configuring which product fields are searchable.
Allow updating sales order shippingTrackingCode using REST API.
Product attribute definition can now be filterable without being searchable.
Allow company fields to accept 100 characters instead of 50.
Minor performance improvements to the admin sales orders page.
Expose coupon codes used in the original sales order in promotion rules allowing promotion to maintain discount during recurring orders.
Last selected tabs are remembered when switching screens improving usability.
Simplified many admin UI pages to optimize for touch screens.
Allow sellers to delete their own warehouse record.
Fixed continue shopping may increment cart quantity if set to return to last viewed product detail page.
Fixed checkout may throw error if customer selects an invalid shipping method from the cart page under Estimate shipping and tax.
Fixed jqZoom script error due to obsolete functions in newer jQuery 1.9 (DNN 7.3.4+) causing zoom gallery to fail.
Fixed product modifier rule decimal parsing error for non-English languages.
Fixed product filter decimal slider always displays rounded number.
Fixed product filter decimal slider not working for non-English culture.
Fixed report not showing under new People menu.
Fixed configuration table missing unique index.
Fixed product showcase may throw error when no default variant is available for a product.
Fixed CSS causing date input to wrap across form item on IE browsers.
Fixed FulfillmentProvider foreign key is missing cascade action on portal delete.
07.00.00 (2014-11-23)
Support multi-warehouse and product inventory tracking located in separate warehouses. E.g. the same product can be located in east and west coast warehouses with their own tracking inventory. Require latest Cart, Cart Summary, Checkout, Confirmation display templates.
Support marketplace multi-vendor (seller). Third party sellers can list their own products for sale on your site. Customer pays the single transaction. Require latest Cart, Cart Summary, Checkout, Confirmation display templates.
Seller can manage/define his own products, packing, shipping, handling, tax, fulfillment from a limited seller admin screen safe from other sellers.
Merchant can manage/define seller's products, packing, shipping, handling, tax, fulfillment from central admin screen.
Multiple users can manage the same seller account.
Automatically split orders by seller and warehouse necessary for shipping and tax compliance. Seller reports his own tax to his government in his jurisdiction.
Customer can select different shipping methods by seller. E.g. a seller can only ship by Australia Post since he's located in Australia but your store and rest of products may be located in USA.
Support Dotpay payment gateway. Require latest Checkout display template.
Made cart summary module more streamline and modern, suitable to be placed inside header of a page.
Cart summary can now display order details and reward points. Require latest Cart Summary display template.
Merchant can now easily preview product, variant, category, manufacturer and distributor from the admin page.
Consolidated company, first name, last name and removed phone search fields in sales order admin search panel for better usability.
Moved voucher definition to catalog menu for better usability.
Voucher definition can limit the amount that can be redeemed up to the total or subtotal amount of the order.
Purchase order number textbox input now configurable separately from purchase order configuration. Require latest Checkout display template.
Use list box instead of checkboxes to display selectable roles in order to handle portals with very large number of roles.
Enhanced cart modified message on Cart Summary module to allow it to work on more pages such as product list page.
Use a less selective cache strategy to cache more objects by default for minor performance improvement.
Reorganize sales order admin screen for better usability.
Support localizing recurring interval format.
Update USPS service name changes affecting Media Mail and Library Mail shipping methods.
Fixed recurring order now carries over business tax number. Customer can edit business tax number from manage payment page.
Fixed product attribute should be filtereable even when not marked as published.
Fixed product filter doesn't convert price to the currently viewed currency.
Fixed invalid payment error during checkout of a recurring product with purchase order.
Fixed calendar error when browsing in Arabic language.
Fixed manual purchase on admin payment page inserting twice.
Fixed PeachPayments payment gateway passing unnecessary responseURL data during recurring order charge.
Gracefully handle case when preferred user payment is not available as a selection.
Minor CSS fixes to gallery zoom image.
Requirements and breaking changes:
In order to support multi-warehouse, a product variant is no longer shown as available option if it is disallowed by its availability rule. Previously, the variant is still displayed but customer is prevented from adding to cart.
New Cart "Standard13" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Cart Summary "Standard4" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.
New Checkout "Standard21" display template. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.