

Revindex Storefront

Intuit QuickBooks Payments

Last updated on 2022-09-23 1 mins. to read

Intuit QuickBooks Payments is a direct payment gateway that allows you to accept credit card transactions within your site. 

This gateway supports the following features:

  • Authorize
  • Capture
  • Purchase
  • Refund
  • Void
  • Recurring payment
  • Tokenization

Follow the steps below to obtain the information needed by the payment gateway.

  1. You first need to register with and login to the site.
  2. From the Dashboard page, click on Create an app and choose "QuickBooks Online and Payments".
  3. Enter a name (e.g. "Storefront") and select the "Payments" scope checkbox.
  4. On the Production section, enter the links to your terms of service.
  5. Under the production's Keys and OAuth section, copy the Client ID and Client Secret keys.
  6. Under the Redirect URIs section, add the following URL replacing "" with your actual domain and replacing "Admin/Storefront" with the path that resolves to your Storefront Administration page. Please note the URL is case-sensitive.
  7. From your Storefront Administration page, go to Configuration > Payments settings. Select "Intuit QuickBooks Payments" for your credit/debit card gateway and enable Tokenize data and Save
  8. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret credentials copied from the previous step.
  9. Click on Connect button to authenticate the connection. You will be redirected to QuickBooks to login and redirected back to the page you were on.


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