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Last Post 15 Jul 2023 04:04 PM by  Ben Santiardo
Burry Product Images In Product List
 2 Replies
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New Member

New Member

15 Jul 2023 12:32 AM

    I just upgraded my old Storefront v12 to v19 (On a development system). I noticed that in the "Products Page" listing that clients see ... the product images are all blurry. I uploaded a new larger image for a product thinking that maybe the previous images that existed were too small, but the new image was still blurry. Almost like the product listing is using a thumbnail image and blowing it up, instead of using the larger detailed image.

    Am I missing a setting somewhere?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    15 Jul 2023 01:41 AM
    • Accepted Answer

    The new tendancy is to show larger images. You should go to Configuration > Gallery settings and make sure to set very large numbers (for example) before uploading new images.

    Detailed width: 1000
    Display width: 600
    Tile width: 64
    Thumbnail width: 300

    This ensures when you upload a new image, it will start with large sizes because the photos always look nice when you downsize, but when the system starts with small images and need to upsize it will look blurry.


    New Member

    New Member

    15 Jul 2023 04:04 PM
    Thank you! That was the piece I was missing, I had to adjust the Gallery values.
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