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Last Post 16 Dec 2016 02:16 PM by  Steve L
Google Test Fail - Enable compression
 4 Replies
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New Member

New Member

15 Dec 2016 05:48 PM

    Google webmaster tools test fails the Mobile Speed test. One item Google says needs fixing is: "Enable compression".

    I have installed Optimizer 2.0 on a DNN 8.04 site. I have enabled compression on the module settings and have a modern responsive skin.

    Does the Optimizer relate to this test?


    New Member

    New Member

    16 Dec 2016 11:34 AM


    I found the following entry in a DNN article: Note: if you enable IIS dynamic compression be sure to disable DotNetNuke compression (host->host settings screen)

    Gzip compression is no longer a configurable DNN Host setting in 7.4.x, but, does Revindex Optimizer conflict with IIS Static or Dynamic compression?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    16 Dec 2016 12:28 PM

    The Google message has to do with your DNN/IIS site not being compressed as you found out. The Optimizer will work with either compression enabled/disabled.

    Thank you


    New Member

    New Member

    16 Dec 2016 01:37 PM

    Any concerns with the use of the Revindex Optimizer and a CDN such as CloudFlare?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    16 Dec 2016 02:16 PM

    No concern. It should work fine.

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