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3 Replies and 8743 Views Add Multiple Options to Cart  8743  3 Started by  Steve Aunan I'm building a new site, and the client wants the ability to add multiple product options to the cart with a single click. That means a product with 5 options would need 5 Option text boxes and 5 Quantity text boxes, and the Add to Cart button would have to insert all the user-selected options with a single click. Is it possible to do this with the Revindex Storefront And, if not, how much would it cost to have such functionality added Thanks.
3 8743
by  Steve LJump to last post
27 Jan 2011 10:05 PM
4 Replies and 8304 Views Stying Treview control with CSS for Categories  8304  4 Started by  Gigi Payne I'm working with a skin designer to implement the RevIndex store on a new site. Are there any options to using the TreeView control to display the categories It's rendering a table with no styling so we have no control over the look and feel of the categories dipslayed. I looked in the documentation but there's not much on how the define a temlate for the categories. When I try to create a new template all I get is &lt;asp:TreeView ...&gt; Do we have any options hereWe've done som...
4 8304
by  Steve LJump to last post
27 Jan 2011 03:09 PM
3 Replies and 7082 Views Source Code of Revindex Storefront  7082  3 Started by  Dung Bui If i buy Revindex StoreFront (Enterprise Edition), can i have source code of it
3 7082
by  Steve LJump to last post
22 Jan 2011 02:15 AM
0 Replies and 5949 Views ModuleLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit'  5949  0 Started by  Steve L DNN running a different version of Microsoft AjaxControlToolkit may encounter the following error message:'DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=1.0.20229.42809...'This is not a bug, but rather a mismatch in AjaxControlToolkit version needed by Revindex Storefront. Currently, Revindex Storefront requires Ajax Control Toolkit v3.0.30930.To fix it, simply modify Web.config to tell the ASP.NET system to use the newer version...
0 5949
19 Jan 2011 07:42 PM
0 Replies and 8655 Views A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client  8655  0 Started by  Steve L A client received 'A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client' when redirecting or posting back a form value that contains angled brackets (&lt; &gt;) or other suspicious characters, particularly seen in XML or HTML data. This is a standard security feature that is enabled in ASP.NET option to check for any suspicious text that is sent to the server. This setting, when enabled, affects any module or URL/form data, not just the Storefront module. You...
0 8655
13 Jan 2011 02:31 AM
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