Follow the steps to export out the product file to see what the data looks like. See Export products for more information.
- You will need to build your product CSV file according to the product file format specification. The best way is to open a previously exported CSV file using Excel (you may also use Notepad or any text editor).
- The first row is the header row and needs to match the column names according to the entity file format.
- Start entering data into the next row. Pay attention to the required columns. Even if a column is indicated as not data required, the column must still be present but the value may be blank.
- Make sure the Act column value is set to "u" for update. Please note not all entities support the update action. In this case, you may need to perform a delete followed by an insert to simulate an update action.
- The database object identifier ProductID is required since this value will be used to retrieve the product to update.
- Fill up the remaining required fields like Name, etc.
- Repeat steps 3 to 6 for additional products you want to update.
- Save the file. Click Yes if Excel prompts you to save the file with features that are not compatible with CSV and keeping this format.

- Go to the Catalog > Products page. Click Import.
- Choose the options.
- Click Import.
- Make sure there are no errors. If any error occurred, the system will rollback any changes by default. Correct any error and re-import again.