The payment name and acceptance mark helps visually indicate to your customers the different form of payment methods that are accepted during checkout such as Amex, MasterCard or Amex.
Change payment names
If you like to change the payment method names, you can do so through the static localization.
It can be changed in the same way as any static text through the persona bar's Settings > Site Settings page under the Languages tab. Edit for the site and language of your choice
Drill down the tree node to find the PaymentMethodType.resx file.
Local Resources
Look for the resource name by matching the value to the PaymentMethodType and change the text (or HTML) to how you want it to be shown.
Change payment acceptance mark
You will need to create a custom Display Templates for the Checkout module under Configuration > Display templates settings. Look for the lines where the acceptance mark is rendered. For example, the credit card acceptance mark is rendered with codes that closely resemble the code below.
<img src="~/DesktopModules/Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront/Media/VisaAcceptanceMark.gif" /> <img src="~/DesktopModules/Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront/Media/MasterCardAcceptanceMark.gif" /> <img src="~/DesktopModules/Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront/Media/AmericanExpressAcceptanceMark.gif" />
Simply change the HTML to point to your own acceptance mark and save your template. Make sure to set your new template to be used under Configuration > Checkout settings.