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Never Leave Source Code on the Server

I'm not a big fan when it comes to deploying source code on the Web server especially with the new Web Site projects that comes with VS.NET 2005. If your server got hacked before, you'll understand why source code on the server is a very bad idea. (c#,, php, perl, security, dotnetnuke)

Who Owns What On The Web

See the list of high tech companies owned by Amazon, AOL, Ebay, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! It's impressive to see the list of the companies and products owned by a handful of media giants. The amount of money poured on to high tech businesses is simply astonishing. (business)

PowerShell PS1 - I Feel the Power But You're Ugly!

PowerShell was previously known as Microsoft Shell (code-named Monad). When the marketing people at Microsoft finally decided to rename Microsoft Shell to PowerShell, they also renamed the file extension to ".ps1". I was perplexed by the odd extension used, so I posted a message in protest to Microsoft. (windows, command line)

Global Catch All Exception in .NET Winform and Console Application

You normally want to catch all exceptions at the highest tier in code so that your program has the chance to display the error message to the user or log it to the appropriate location. Under ASP.NET, you can do so easily by overriding the Application_Error event in Global.asax file. In a windows form or console application, the equivalent global catch all is available by listening to the ThreadException and AppDomain UnhandledException events. (winform, .NET, C#, VB.NET)

Nested Form in ASP.NET Page

It's common practice on the web to copy and paste a third party HTML code to add functionality to a page. To embed this kind of code is normally a breeze for even non-programmers. What appears to be easy is actually quite complicated to do on ASP.NET pages. The reason is because every ASP.NET page is wrapped in one big HTML Form.

A Very Real Virus Threat

One of my Windows desktop machines got infected with a Trojan virus. Since all my machines are connected in a network, the virus was able to spread and infect other hosts. I have already put together a backup system years ago so it was now time to review my recovery skills. (security, windows)

The Brain Really Reads Between the Lines

If you're a content writer or an SEO, here's a thing you need to understand about how the human brain works. Research shows that the brain does not read every letter in a word. Similarly, most readers will likely understand what a sentence means even if a couple of non-essential words are missing. (Common Sense)

How to Backup SQL Server to a Network Shared Folder

If you try to backup your SQL Server database to a Windows shared folder on a network PC, you're in for a little bit of a surprise. The following command is a valid statement but SQL Server will throw you an ugly exception. There are a couple of solutions you can workaround the problem.