6.03.00 (2023-05-26)
Long text that exceeds OpenAI limits should record error silently.
6.02.00 (2023-05-23)
Handle long text that exceeds OpenAI limits.
6.01.00 (2023-03-31)
Shorten token syntax now works without the "rvdwk." prefix. e.g. Use [topic:name-2] instead of [rvdwk.topic:name-2] token.
Fix token not injecting into CKEditor correctly.
Fix topic error when user is hard deleted from the system.
6.00.00 (2023-03-14)
Provide relevant search answer using experimental OpenAI.
Allow delete topic from view topic page.
Allow topic to be disabled from being clicked in read mode.
Show last updated date.
Show estimated reading time.
Make CKEditor taller for easier editing.
Make CKEditor automatically format HTML source.
Remove Google+ share.
Refactor data access layer for better performance.
Edit mode should not use friendly URL.
Implement non-removable cache to better handle low memory systems.
Fix topic page title should encode reserved characters.
Fix CodeMirror error when code element does not specify a class.
5.03.00 (2020-12-01)
Allow search to work correctly when a different page references the same Wiki module.
5.02.00 (2020-11-25)
5.01.00 (2020-11-21)
Fix search should not use friendly URL query to prevent mismatch with pages with same keyword.
5.00.00 (2020-11-05)
Remove Telerik DLL dependency to reduce memory consumption and improve security.
Remove Export PDF functionality due to poor reliability.
Send email notifications in HTML with links to topic or comment.
Support Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.
Update search bar look-and-feel.
Update button look-and-feel.
04.01.00 (2018-06-20)
Fixed license error when running with older Revindex products due to removal of obsolete method.
4.00.00 (2018-05-03)
Compatibility support for DNN 9.2.
Workaround DNN bug not passing culture code to advanced URL provider.
03.02.00 (2017-11-04)
Include Telerik binaries for backward compatibility.
03.01.00 (2017-08-08)
03.00.00 (2016-03-15)
Support DNN 8.
Major performance improvements recompiled under .NET 4.5.
Support granular permissions per topic (view, add, edit, move, delete, manage).
Support topic versioning.
Enable social share buttons (facebook, linkedin, twitter, pinterest, google).
Notify moderators of topic changes.
Allow recover deleted topics.
Create your own welcome guide to help teach new editors formatting rules and how to use the software.
Comments now handle newlines, multiple spaces properly.
Improve usability with new insert token buttons in the text editor.
Replying to a comment now shows the previous comment for better usability.
URLs in comments are now automatically converted to anchors.
Index view will now shrink to menu in mobile mode.
Search will now handled advanced URL format.
Removed obsolete codes in DNN 7.
Minor CSS fixes.
Requirements and breaking changes:
02.04.02 (2015-10-27)
02.04.01 (2015-09-03)
Fixed export error.
Fixed search query string error.
02.04.00 (2015-05-20)
Support print topic feature.
Support email topic feature.
02.03.00 (2015-05-13)
Topics now generate nice clean URL.
Registered and anonymous users can post threaded comments.
Comments can be moderated.
Include font awesome.
Fixed section view not correctly handling unpublished topic.
02.02.00 (2015-04-15)
Topic can be published or hidden.
Expand or collapse topic by default.
Expand first node if no topic is selected.
Support format code blocks using CodeMirror.
Easily insert common tokens into text editor.
Index module now shows the topic ID in edit mode to make it easier for token referencing.
Use lowercase value for page view mode query parameter.
Fixed node wrap for very long title.
02.01.00 (2015-03-22)
Display subtopics.
Allow navigating to previous and next topic easily.
New Rvdwk.Topic:Link-ID token to quickly easily make a hyperlink.
Automatically include topics into portal SEO sitemap.
Allow escaping a square bracket by surrounding bracket with braces.
02.00.02 (2014-02-26)
Fixed search not returning more than 10 results.
02.00.01 (2014-01-31)
Enable wildcard search.
Improve search indexing performance.
Better handling of empty search after previous search is performed.
02.00.00 (2014-01-24)
Support mobile responsive.
Topic search now uses core DNN Lucene search for improved searching.
User can now easily navigate between previous and next topic in document order.
Standardize all styles according to DNN UX.
PDF export now breaks page per topic when printing section.
Make topic index treeview easier to style using template nodes.
01.01.01 (2013-06-14)
Support object qualifier names in SQL constraints.
01.01.00 (2013-05-31)
01.00.10 (2013-02-06)
03.01.00 (In progress)
Improved social share buttons load performance.
Avoid copying topic URL name when cloning to prevent URL conflicts.
Use UTC time instead of local time.
Minor CSS fixes.