Voucher receipt is used to send an email to the customer their voucher codes. By default, the Storefront will send the invoice to the registered email address and billing address of the buyer.
The Basic template rule can accept XSL tokens to inject dynamic data. Below is the sample XML input that you can retrieve token values from:
<generalStoreName>Revindex Storefront</generalStoreName>
<billingCity>Beverley Hills</billingCity>
<billingCountryName>United States</billingCountryName>
<billingDistrict />
<billingStreet>1 Melrose</billingStreet>
<billingUnit />
<businessTaxNumber>GB 123456789</businessTaxNumber>
<field id="CustomName">Name1</field>
<field id="CustomText">MyText</field>
<field id="CustomColor">
<field id="CustomSize">
<city>Beverley Hills</city>
<district />
<street>1 Melrose</street>
<unit />
<shippingCity>Beverley Hills</shippingCity>
<shippingCountryName>United States</shippingCountryName>
<shippingDistrict />
<shippingStreet>1 Melrose</shippingStreet>
<shippingUnit />
<city>Beverley Hills</city>
<district />
<street>1 Melrose</street>
<unit />
<City>Beverley Hills</City>
<Country>United States</Country>
<Street>1 Melrose</Street>