

Revindex Storefront

Site Wide Import and Export

Last updated on 2020-06-16 2 mins. to read

In addition to exporting and importing individual objects, you can perform a site-wide export of almost every object in your catalog and import back into another DNN instance or to a different portal on the same instance.

Known Limitations

  • Most catalog only objects are included. 
  • Vouchers are currently not included.
  • Rights are currently not included.
  • Custom reports are currently not included.
  • Sales, marketing and store configuration values are currently not included.
  • File resources are currently not included. Any catalog references to a file on your system may not be accurate after importing back.
  • Any role references are not honored. Any catalog references to a role on your system may not be accurate after importing back.
  • Object key names are modified to avoid collision with other keys already in the system.
  • Your home directory path must reference your portal ID number (default installation). Custom home directory path is not supported.


To perform a portal export, click on the Export content from the Storefront Administration module's action menu.

You will be prompted to choose a location to save the generated XML file. In addition to the XML file, there are other files and large binary objects that are exported to fixed location that you will need to transfer over to another system prior to importing. Please note the 0 indicates your portal number.

  • Gallery images are exported to \portals\0\RevindexStorefront\Export\Gallery folder
  • Display templates are exported to \portals\0\RevindexStorefront\Export\Display folder.
  • Image swatches are exported to \portals\0\RevindexStorefront\Export\ImageSwatch folder.


Prior to importing, make sure have taken a full backup of your system. You also need to make sure the software version from the system you are performing the import should be the same as the version that exported out the data. Then you need to transfer over the dependent files from the previous export to the following import folders. Please note the 0 indicates your portal number.

  • Gallery images are imported from \portals\0\RevindexStorefront\Import\Gallery folder
  • Display templates are imported from \portals\0\RevindexStorefront\Import\Display folder.
  • Image swatches are imported from \portals\0\RevindexStorefront\Import\ImageSwatch folder.

To perform an import, click on the Import content from the Storefront Administration module's action menu. You will be prompted to choose the location of your XML file that you previously exported out. Once the import succeeded you should test and verify the system for accuracy. Once it succeeded, you should avoid importing multiple times to the same portal as it will insert multiple entries of the same data. If an import fails, please verify the event log for errors and retry after making the necessary corrections.


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