This service is used to delete a Product object.
Request Parameters
Node |
Required |
Data Type |
Description |
productID |
Yes |
Integer |
The object identifier. |
Return Data
This service is used to query the Product object.
Request Parameters
Node |
Required |
Data Type |
Description |
productID |
Yes |
Integer |
The object identifier. |
Return Data
Node |
Data Type |
Description |
product |
Container node. |
allowInternetOrder |
Boolean |
Allow taking orders over the Internet. |
allowPhoneOrder |
Boolean |
Allow taking order over the phone. |
allowProductReview |
Boolean |
Allow users to write review for this product. |
allowSalesChannel |
Boolean |
Allow automatic publishing of product to configured sales channels (e.g. Facebook). |
availabilityRule |
XML Rule |
The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased. |
buyingGuide |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
buyingGuideName |
XML Locale |
Override buying guide description name. |
createDate |
DateTime |
Creation date. |
displayOrder |
Integer |
Sort order for display. |
displayTemplate |
String |
The associated display template. |
dynamicFormCode |
XML Code |
Custom HTML or input form elements. |
extension |
Additional data in XML. |
externalID |
String |
Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system. |
faq |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
faqName |
XML Locale |
Override FAQ description name. |
featured |
Boolean |
Localized description. |
metaDescription |
XML Locale |
Localized meta description. |
metaKeywords |
XML Locale |
Localized meta keywords. |
name |
XML Locale |
Localized name. |
overview |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
overviewName |
XML Locale |
Override overview description name. |
pageTitle |
XML Locale |
Localized page title. |
portalID |
Integer |
productDetailUrl |
String |
Specify a custom product detail page for this product or set to empty or null to use the default product detail page. Enter a valid Tab ID number for the page. |
productID |
Integer |
The object identifier. |
productKey |
String |
A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID. |
productType |
Integer |
The type of product (Regular = 1). |
published |
Boolean |
If product should be published and visible by end users. |
redirectUrl |
String |
Redirect product detail page to URL location. Useful for maintaining SEO value for a discontinued product. |
sellerID |
Integer |
Indicate if this product belongs to a seller. |
showAddToCart |
Boolean |
showAddToWishList |
Boolean |
showBuyNow |
Boolean |
showInventory |
Boolean |
showMSRP |
Boolean |
showPrice |
Boolean |
showQuantity |
Boolean |
showRewardPoints |
Boolean |
showSavings |
Boolean |
showSeeDetails |
Boolean |
showSKU |
Boolean |
showSocialShare |
Boolean |
showUpdate |
Boolean |
specifications |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
specificationsName |
XML Locale |
Override specifications description name. |
startDate |
DateTime |
The start date when the product is available for purchase. |
stopDate |
DateTime |
The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase. |
summary |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
terms |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
termsName |
XML Locale |
Override terms description name. |
updateDate |
DateTime |
Update date. |
urlName |
XML Locale |
Localized URL name for SEO. |
This service is used to get all the Product objects belonging to the portal.
Request Parameters
Node |
Required |
Data Type |
Description |
count |
No |
Boolean |
Specify if return data should include total number of records found. |
skip |
No |
Integer |
The number of records to skip over for paging purposes. |
take |
No |
Integer |
The number of records to return for paging purposes. |
Return Data
Node |
Data Type |
Description |
products |
Container node |
product |
Zero or more product nodes with same data structure as GetActiveProduct service return data. |
This service is used to create a new Product object.
Request Parameters
Node |
Required |
Data Type |
Description |
allowInternetOrder |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow taking orders over the Internet. |
allowPhoneOrder |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow taking order over the phone. |
allowProductReview |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow users to write review for this product. |
allowSalesChannel |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow automatic publishing of product to configured sales channels (e.g. Facebook). |
availabilityRule |
No |
XML Rule |
The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased. |
buyingGuide |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
buyingGuideName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override buying guide description name. |
displayOrder |
Yes |
Integer |
Sort order for display. |
displayTemplate |
No |
String |
The associated display template. |
dynamicFormCode |
No |
XML Code |
Custom HTML or input form elements. |
extension |
No |
Additional data in XML. |
externalID |
No |
String |
Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system. |
faq |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
faqName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override FAQ description name. |
featured |
Yes |
Boolean |
Localized description. |
metaDescription |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized meta description. |
metaKeywords |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized meta keywords. |
name |
Yes |
XML Locale |
Localized name. |
overview |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
overviewName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override overview description name. |
pageTitle |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized page title. |
productDetailUrl |
No |
String |
Specify a custom product detail page for this product or set to empty or null to use the default product detail page. Enter a valid Tab ID number for the page.
productKey |
Yes |
String |
A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID. |
productType |
Yes |
Integer |
The type of product (Regular = 1). |
published |
Yes |
Boolean |
If product should be published and visible by end users. |
redirectUrl |
No |
String |
URL or Tab ID number. |
sellerID |
No |
Integer |
Indicate if this product belongs to a seller. |
showAddToCart |
Yes |
Boolean |
showAddToWishList |
Yes |
Boolean |
showBuyNow |
Yes |
Boolean |
showInventory |
Yes |
Boolean |
showMSRP |
Yes |
Boolean |
showPrice |
Yes |
Boolean |
showQuantity |
Yes |
Boolean |
showRewardPoints |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSavings |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSeeDetails |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSKU |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSocialShare |
Yes |
Boolean |
showUpdate |
Yes |
Boolean |
specifications |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
specificationsName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override specifications description name. |
startDate |
No |
DateTime |
The start date when the product is available for purchase. |
stopDate |
No |
DateTime |
The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase. |
summary |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
terms |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
termsName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override terms description name. |
urlName |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized URL name for SEO. |
Return Data
Same as GetActiveProduct service return data.
This service is used to update a Product object.
Request Parameters
Node |
Required |
Data Type |
Description |
allowInternetOrder |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow taking orders over the Internet. |
allowPhoneOrder |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow taking order over the phone. |
allowProductReview |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow users to write review for this product. |
allowSalesChannel |
Yes |
Boolean |
Allow automatic publishing of product to configured sales channels (e.g. Facebook). |
availabilityRule |
No |
XML Rule |
The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased. |
buyingGuide |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
buyingGuideName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override buying guide description name. |
displayOrder |
Yes |
Integer |
Sort order for display. |
displayTemplate |
No |
String |
The associated display template. |
dynamicFormCode |
No |
XML Code |
Custom HTML or input form elements. |
extension |
No |
Additional data in XML. |
externalID |
No |
String |
Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system. |
faq |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
faqName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override FAQ description name. |
featured |
Yes |
Boolean |
Localized description. |
metaDescription |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized meta description. |
metaKeywords |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized meta keywords. |
name |
Yes |
XML Locale |
Localized name. |
overview |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
overviewName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override overview description name. |
pageTitle |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized page title. |
productDetailUrl |
No |
String |
Specify a custom product detail page for this product or set to empty or null to use the default product detail page. Enter a valid Tab ID number for the page. |
productID |
Yes |
Integer |
The object identifier. |
productKey |
Yes |
String |
A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID. |
productType |
Yes |
Integer |
The type of product (Regular = 1). |
published |
Yes |
Boolean |
If product should be published and visible by end users. |
redirectUrl |
No |
String |
URL or Tab ID number. |
sellerID |
No |
Integer |
Indicate if this product belongs to a seller. |
showAddToCart |
Yes |
Boolean |
showAddToWishList |
Yes |
Boolean |
showBuyNow |
Yes |
Boolean |
showInventory |
Yes |
Boolean |
showMSRP |
Yes |
Boolean |
showPrice |
Yes |
Boolean |
showQuantity |
Yes |
Boolean |
showRewardPoints |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSavings |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSeeDetails |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSKU |
Yes |
Boolean |
showSocialShare |
Yes |
Boolean |
showUpdate |
Yes |
Boolean |
specifications |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
specificationsName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override specifications description name. |
startDate |
No |
DateTime |
The start date when the product is available for purchase. |
stopDate |
No |
DateTime |
The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase. |
summary |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
terms |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized description. |
termsName |
No |
XML Locale |
Override terms description name. |
urlName |
No |
XML Locale |
Localized URL name for SEO. |
Return Data
Same as GetActiveProduct service return data.