

Revindex Storefront


Last updated on 2024-08-09 14 mins. to read


This service is used to delete a Product object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
productID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data



This service is used to query the Product object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
productID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
product XML Container node.
  allowInternetOrder Boolean Allow taking orders over the Internet.
  allowPhoneOrder Boolean Allow taking order over the phone.
  allowProductReview Boolean Allow users to write review for this product.
  allowSalesChannel Boolean Allow automatic publishing of product to configured sales channels (e.g. Facebook).
  availabilityRule XML Rule The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased.
  buyingGuide XML Locale  Localized description.
  buyingGuideName XML Locale  Override buying guide description name.
  createDate DateTime Creation date.
  displayOrder Integer Sort order for display.
  displayTemplate String The associated display template.
  dynamicFormCode XML Code Custom HTML or input form elements.
  extension XML Additional data in XML.
  externalID String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
  faq XML Locale Localized description.
  faqName XML Locale Override FAQ description name. 
  featured Boolean Localized description.
  metaDescription XML Locale Localized meta description.
  metaKeywords XML Locale Localized meta keywords.
  name XML Locale Localized name.
  overview XML Locale Localized description.
  overviewName XML Locale Override overview description name.
  pageTitle XML Locale Localized page title.
  portalID Integer  
  productDetailUrl String Specify a custom product detail page for this product or set to empty or null to use the default product detail page. Enter a valid Tab ID number for the page.
  productID Integer The object identifier.
  productKey String A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID.
  productType Integer The type of product (Regular = 1).
  published Boolean If product should be published and visible by end users.
  redirectUrl String Redirect product detail page to URL location. Useful for maintaining SEO value for a discontinued product.
  sellerID Integer Indicate if this product belongs to a seller.
  showAddToCart Boolean  
  showAddToWishList Boolean  
  showBuyNow Boolean  
  showInventory Boolean  
  showMSRP Boolean  
  showPrice Boolean  
  showQuantity Boolean  
  showRewardPoints Boolean  
  showSavings Boolean  
  showSeeDetails Boolean  
  showSKU Boolean  
  showSocialShare Boolean  
  showUpdate Boolean  
  specifications XML Locale Localized description.
  specificationsName XML Locale Override specifications description name.
  startDate DateTime The start date when the product is available for purchase.
  stopDate DateTime The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase.
  summary XML Locale Localized description.
  terms XML Locale Localized description.
  termsName XML Locale Override terms description name.
  updateDate DateTime Update date.
  urlName XML Locale Localized URL name for SEO.



This service is used to get all the Product objects belonging to the portal.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
products XML Container node
  product XML Zero or more product nodes with same data structure as GetActiveProduct service return data.



This service is used to create a new Product object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
allowInternetOrder Yes Boolean Allow taking orders over the Internet.
allowPhoneOrder Yes Boolean Allow taking order over the phone.
allowProductReview Yes Boolean Allow users to write review for this product.
allowSalesChannel Yes Boolean Allow automatic publishing of product to configured sales channels (e.g. Facebook).
availabilityRule No XML Rule The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased.
buyingGuide No XML Locale  Localized description.
buyingGuideName No XML Locale Override buying guide description name.
displayOrder Yes Integer Sort order for display.
displayTemplate No String The associated display template.
dynamicFormCode No XML Code Custom HTML or input form elements.
extension No XML Additional data in XML.
externalID No String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
faq No XML Locale Localized description.
faqName No XML Locale Override FAQ description name.
featured Yes Boolean Localized description.
metaDescription No XML Locale Localized meta description.
metaKeywords No XML Locale Localized meta keywords.
name Yes XML Locale Localized name.
overview No XML Locale Localized description.
overviewName No XML Locale Override overview description name.
pageTitle No XML Locale Localized page title.
productDetailUrl No String Specify a custom product detail page for this product or set to empty or null to use the default product detail page. Enter a valid Tab ID number for the page.
productKey Yes String A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID.
productType Yes Integer The type of product (Regular = 1).
published Yes Boolean If product should be published and visible by end users.
redirectUrl No String URL or Tab ID number.
sellerID No Integer Indicate if this product belongs to a seller.
showAddToCart Yes Boolean  
showAddToWishList Yes Boolean  
showBuyNow Yes Boolean  
showInventory Yes Boolean  
showMSRP Yes Boolean  
showPrice Yes Boolean  
showQuantity Yes Boolean  
showRewardPoints Yes Boolean  
showSavings Yes Boolean  
showSeeDetails Yes Boolean  
showSKU Yes Boolean  
showSocialShare Yes Boolean  
showUpdate Yes Boolean  
specifications No XML Locale Localized description.
specificationsName No XML Locale Override specifications description name.
startDate No DateTime The start date when the product is available for purchase.
stopDate No DateTime The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase.
summary No XML Locale Localized description.
terms No XML Locale Localized description.
termsName No XML Locale Override terms description name.
urlName No XML Locale Localized URL name for SEO.


Return Data

Same as GetActiveProduct service return data.


This service is used to update a Product object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
allowInternetOrder Yes Boolean Allow taking orders over the Internet.
allowPhoneOrder Yes Boolean Allow taking order over the phone.
allowProductReview Yes Boolean Allow users to write review for this product.
allowSalesChannel Yes Boolean Allow automatic publishing of product to configured sales channels (e.g. Facebook).
availabilityRule No XML Rule The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased.
buyingGuide No XML Locale  Localized description.
buyingGuideName No XML Locale Override buying guide description name.
displayOrder Yes Integer Sort order for display.
displayTemplate No String The associated display template.
dynamicFormCode No XML Code Custom HTML or input form elements.
extension No XML Additional data in XML.
externalID No String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
faq No XML Locale Localized description.
faqName No XML Locale Override FAQ description name.
featured Yes Boolean Localized description.
metaDescription No XML Locale Localized meta description.
metaKeywords No XML Locale Localized meta keywords.
name Yes XML Locale Localized name.
overview No XML Locale Localized description.
overviewName No XML Locale Override overview description name.
pageTitle No XML Locale Localized page title.
productDetailUrl No String Specify a custom product detail page for this product or set to empty or null to use the default product detail page. Enter a valid Tab ID number for the page.
productID Yes Integer The object identifier.
productKey Yes String A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID.
productType Yes Integer The type of product (Regular = 1).
published Yes Boolean If product should be published and visible by end users.
redirectUrl No String URL or Tab ID number.
sellerID No Integer Indicate if this product belongs to a seller.
showAddToCart Yes Boolean  
showAddToWishList Yes Boolean  
showBuyNow Yes Boolean  
showInventory Yes Boolean  
showMSRP Yes Boolean  
showPrice Yes Boolean  
showQuantity Yes Boolean  
showRewardPoints Yes Boolean  
showSavings Yes Boolean  
showSeeDetails Yes Boolean  
showSKU Yes Boolean  
showSocialShare Yes Boolean  
showUpdate Yes Boolean  
specifications No XML Locale Localized description.
specificationsName No XML Locale Override specifications description name.
startDate No DateTime The start date when the product is available for purchase.
stopDate No DateTime The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase.
summary No XML Locale Localized description.
terms No XML Locale Localized description.
termsName No XML Locale Override terms description name.
urlName No XML Locale Localized URL name for SEO.


Return Data

Same as GetActiveProduct service return data.




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