If you purchased or received a license for use, you'll need to enter it into the production software. Your license key is made available to you under your login profile in the My licenses page.
Login as Host and from the persona bar, go to the Manage > Storefront page. Under Configuration > License menu, click Add new and enter your license key and Save.
Activation for Enterprise Edition
The following steps are only required for a site running the Enterprise edition. The Enterprise edition is licensed per physical Web server and therefore requires activating the license key for your machine hardware. Once you entered your license key, you will be presented with a button to activate your license. The number of times you can activate is limited, therefore, you should only active your license in production environment. Test environments should request a separate license key from Revindex. Click on the Activate license now button to activate your license.
If you have multiple sites on the same physical machine that need to share the same license key, simply copy the DesktopModules\Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront\RevindexStorefront.lic file to your other sites' matching folder.
You can also use the following Powershell command to quickly bulk copy the license file to the other sites' folders. Simply replace the destination path "C:\www\*" (note: the * will match all sub-folders) and replace the source path "C:\www\Source" with your actual folder paths.
Get-ChildItem "C:\www\*\DesktopModules\Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront" -Directory | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Path "C:\www\Source\DesktopModules\Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront\*.lic" -Destination $_.FullName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }