Creating a simple product for sale is easy and takes a few minutes. Below are the typical steps to create a basic product:
- From the Catalog > Products menu, click on Add new
- On the General tab, give your product a meaningful name. Enter some description for your product.
- Click on Save. Your initial product is now created with a default variant.
- In the Gallery section, add some images to depict your product.
- In the Price section, enter your selling price and select an appropriate Tax class if this product is taxable.
- In the Inventory section, enter SKU number and inventory (optional).
- In the Shipping section, select Require shipping if this product is a physical product. Enter the weight and dimensions.
- In the Categories section, associate this product to one of your categories (optional).
That's it. You have now created a new product ready to sell. You can always go back to edit your product and make changes.