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How to create a simple product

Last updated on 2021-06-16 1 mins. to read

Creating a simple product for sale is easy and takes a few minutes. Below are the typical steps to create a basic product:

  1. From the Catalog > Products menu, click on Add new
  2. On the General tab, give your product a meaningful name. Enter some description for your product.
  3. Click on Save. Your initial product is now created with a default variant.
  4. In the Gallery section, add some images to depict your product.
  5. In the Price section, enter your selling price and select an appropriate Tax class if this product is taxable.
  6. In the Inventory section, enter SKU number and inventory (optional).
  7. In the Shipping section, select Require shipping if this product is a physical product. Enter the weight and dimensions.
  8. In the Categories section, associate this product to one of your categories (optional).

That's it. You have now created a new product ready to sell. You can always go back to edit your product and make changes.


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