Check out the latest Storefront 6.4! In this release, we expanded support for SEO by automatically including products into your portal sitemap. Your store products are easily indexable by Google and other search engines.
Check out the full release notes here. Download a free trial today!
- Automatically include products into portal SEO sitemap.
- Support Virtual Card Services (VCS Pay) payment gateway. Require latest Checkout display template.
- Checkout availability rule can display a custom message when disallowed.
- Added search indexing of specifications, terms, faq and buying guide product description fields.
- Merchant can change the date when the order occured.
- Product detail page now checks product availability rule. Require latest display template.
- Rerun product promotion on checkout instead of waiting for the last step so customers see updated prices earlier.
- Display fraud score on the admin sales order grid.
- Authorize.Net CIM can transact in Authorize or Purchase mode.
- Improve subroutine that matches for an existing user payment to minimize creating duplicate user payments during checkout.
- Removed form validation on coupon input during checkout.
- Display voucher code entered in error message during validation.
- Invalid coupon, voucher and reward point errors are shown near the input textboxes. Require latest Checkout display template.
- Email templates can now handle localized currency symbol.
- Avoid showing available rewards points if points are expired.
- Fixed shipping method may reset after redirection back from wallet payment in single page checkout mode.
- Fixed cart now recalculates total amount for incomplete orders.
- Fixed required products showing deleted variants.
- Fixed grid view not resetting paging when search is performed.
- Minor CSS fix for single page checkout in mobile mode.
- Fixed customer screen error when search returns more than one page.