Since we last released Revindex Storefront 6.0, we've gone through 3 minor releases 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 quietly but the features are nothing short of major. In fact, we've been so busy pushing out these wonderful features, it's now the time to talk about them in details.
Single Page or Multiple Step Checkout
Starting with 6.1, we added the ability to configure your checkout to display in single page or multiple step mode. You can now streamline your checkout process to a single button click. Imagine an impulsive customer browsing on your site clicks on Buy Now, enters his credit card and clicks on Place Order and done!

Authorize.Net CIM Loves Recurring
A lesser known feature is we added support for Authorize.Net CIM payment gateway. Like all gateways, it can handle regular orders. What is special is you can now process recurring orders without ever touching or storing credit card information on your site. This mean your PCI compliance footprint is near absolute zero because no credit card information ever passes through your site.
Easy Re-Order of Products
Customers love to use your product, so make it easy for them to re-order with a single button click. This is a great feature to make it easier for customers to buy more when they run out.
Affiliate Tracking
In 6.2, we added basic affiliate tracking that is completely integrated with DNN. That means any page they visit on your site regardless of whether you have the Storefront module on that page or not, will track the affiliate referral attributed to your partner so they receive commissions fairly and accurately. It even comes with a nice affiliate report that you can use for managing commission payout. As usual, you can customize the reports to your hearts desire.
Category Availability Rule
You're probably already familiar with our powerful product availability rule that lets you show or hide products based on your own rules. Now, you can do the same with entire categories. This is one of the most demanded features and is finally available!
Custom Price Text
Another great feature in 6.2 is the ability to show a custom price text instead of the actual price. For example, you may sell a product at such an amazing price or your manufacturer has strict terms that don't let you advertise lower prices than the MSRP, you can advertise the price as "Too low to show". In another example, you only sell over the phone and you need to write "Call for Price".
Fraud Score
Finally, in 6.3, we added real fraud score to protect your business and avoid costly losses. These scores are obtained from reputable providers that monitor millions of customer records, addresses and stolen credit cards throughout the Internet from major retailers. So you can bet the same fraudster who just defrauded the last shop with a stolen credit card is not able to do the same on your site. Fraud score is color coded to make it easy to tell the good from the bad apples.

All Other Features, so many...
- Automatically clear cart session when user logs out.
- Session state management now defaults to using ASP.NET session instead of DNN data cache.
- Added UpdateRecurringSalesOrder, GetRecurringSalesOrdersByOriginalSalesOrder REST API service.
- Prevent DNN scheduler from running scheduled tasks simultaneously.
- Replaced several DNN deprecated methods.
- Support fraud score from SiftScience and FraudLabs Pro providers.
- Place order action rules can trigger against fraud score.
- Support ABF freight shipping gateway.
- Support storing credit card verification for test purposes.
- Admin can delete all saved credit card data.
- Allow sales order alert, invoice and receipt email templates to query product variant summary and sku.
- Auto delete incomplete orders.
- Allow setting a limit to the max number of product search results returned to improve search performance.
- Allow confirmation page to be displayed more than one time.
- Update USPS First class mail service.
- Filter USPS parcel under 12 inch for domestic shipping.
- Affiliate tracking.
- Support product filter by distributors.
- Support category availability rule.
- Override price label with custom text. Require latest display templates.
- Automatically send recurring order reminder email within configurable number of days before renewal.
- Allow switching recurring order to another user account.
- Support PayU Business payment gateway. Require latest Checkout display template.
- Support duplicate window setting in payment gateways.
- Show/hide many individual product visual elements (inventory, sku, Add to cart, Buy now, See details, etc.). Require latest display templates.
- Show multiple steps or single page checkout. Require latest Cart, Checkout and Confirmation display templates.
- Support Authorize.Net CIM payment gateway. Require latest Checkout display template.
- Support Sage Pay Form payment gateway. Require latest Checkout display template.
- Show payment methods and points earned on Confirmation page. Require latest Confirmation display template.
- Show payment methods and points earned on email alert, invoice and receipt.
- Allow resetting email templates.
- Allow customer to reorder an existing order under RevindexStorefrontManageOrder module.
- REST API can now query UserPayment objects.
- REST API can now query ProductAttributeDefinitionSelection objects.
- Set UI language for PayPal Payments Standard gateway.
- Anonymous checkout now attempts to generate friendly username by email, then name and by GUID if not available.
- Added salesOrderID and salesOrderGUID nodes to place order action custom rule.
- Sales order admin screen can now reset search.
- Track shipped date in order.
- Lots of bugs fixes...
Click here to see the full release notes.