Here's a little reward for your Thanksgiving! Reward your customers with points that they redeem for purchases to encourage them to shop more. The latest Revindex Storefront 5.2 now supports a powerful loyalty points program. You can customize how many points to give based on the amount of the order, individual products or exclude products from points program altogether. Customers can redeem these points for purchases on your store.
That's not all. Storefront can now help recover abandoned cart and convert them to sales. Let the system automatically email customers who abandoned their cart after a fixed amount of time or you could even send them a link over chat.
If you sell gift certificates, gift cards or vouchers, you'll be happy to know the Storefront can now automatically generate the vouchers and email to the customer after checkout. You don't even need to lift a finger. Best of all, if you participate in group deals like Groupon, LivingSocial, etc., you can import these voucher codes into your system and customers will be able to redeem them on checkout!
And the rest, which is no small cake.... please see the complete list of features and changes here and the offical Release notes.
- Support rewards points. Customers can earn points for their purchases.
- Points can be redeemed as payment.
- Points can optionally expire after period of inactivity.
- Customer can view their available points.
- Products can opt-out from points calculation or provide custom points to be rewarded.
- Points can be rewarded after a fixed number of days to prevent fraud.
- Admin can manage customer points.
- Support group deals type of vouchers (e.g. $20 for a voucher worth $40 with expiration).
- New manage voucher screen for customers to view their purchased vouchers.
- Auto-generate voucher upon checkout of a product that is associated to a voucher definition.
- Automatically send voucher email with the codes.
- Store admin can issue vouchers from the sales order screen.
- Store admin can send voucher email with the codes to customer from the sales order screen.
- Customer can resume incomplete cart session from a link.
- System can automatically send cart abandon email to solicit customer to resume shopping.
- Store admin can manually send a cart abandon link to solicit customer to resume shopping.
- Incomplete cart session can be locked by store admin from modifications to the order details.
- Added "clear cart" button on cart page.
- New Incomplete payment status.
- Customer can resume paying for an order with incomplete payment (e.g. customer can pay for a recurring order that failed to capture payment).
- System will re-attempt taking payment from past incomplete recurring orders when customer updates credit card payment.
- Store admin can manually send a resume payment link to solicit customer to pay for order.
- Send invoice when recurring order fails to capture payment instead of sending receipt.
- Display payment and shipping statuses in manage order page.
- Display total amount and payment due on admin sales order and manage order screens.
- Support FedEx SmartPost real-time rate.
- Save button on sales order admin screen no longer recalculates order implicitly. An explicit recalculate order button is provided.
- Admin can now override sales order detail price and discount.
- Admin can now override sales order shipping, handling and tax amounts.
- Product showcase now uses pure Javascript rotator and supports mobile responsive.
- Expose coupon nodes in payment method availability rule.
- Allow double quotes in entity names.
- Checkout now shows payment received and balance due.
- Fixed ShipWorks sending invalid start date causing SqlDateTime overflow.
- Fixed manage order payment grid showing data in wrong column.
- Fixed shipping and handling amounts not resetting during checkout.
- Fixed place order button not firing event under IE8 affecting Standard16 template.
- Fixed coupon code not working if max coupon usage is set to 1.
- Fixed product display gallery overlaps text when image size is larger than container space.
- Fixed Revindex_Storefront_SalesOrder.BillingStreet column incorrectly set to 50 max length in previous version.
- Fixed Revindex_Storefront_SalesOrder.BillingCountryCode column incorrectly set to nvarchar 50 max length in previous version.
- Fixed gallery list not able to page on admin page.
- Fixed Authorize.Net SIM not honoring x_relay_always parameter error.
- Fixed clear cart page action error introduced in 5.1.
- Fixed product zoom image may appear smaller than optimal bug introduced in 5.0.
Image courtesy of Nirots / FreeDigitalPhotos.net