This is it! This is the version everyone should upgrade that makes Revindex Storefront simpler and easier to use. We abstracted away almost all the XSLT rules and dynamic form (custom fields). You can now configure simple rules and custom fields just by filling up a form like any other configuration. You can still choose to write XSLT or ASP.NET if your business has really complex requirements.
- Abstract away almost all XSLT rules. You can now easily configure simple rules through forms.
- Abstract away ASP.NET code in Dynamic form. You can now easily configure custom fields through forms.
- Adding product to cart button can optionally stay on same page.
- Add support for Merchant e-Solutions payment gateway.
- Product now defaults to not requiring shipping on creation.
- Continue shopping link on Cart page is now configurable.
- Added See details button to Product list display template.
- Improved usability on display templates configuration.
- Optionally allow server-side code edit to display templates.
- Customer RevindexStorefrontManageOrder module now displays dynamic form result captured.
- Change promotion rule template to the more generic "X for the price of Y".
- Shipping and handling method rules can now trigger against payment methods.
- Send optional phone number to Authorize.NET payment gateway.
- Allow shipping method availability rule to trigger against sales order details.
- Added support for indicating if a product variant requires handling.
- Added support for individual product shipping and handling price that can be used by shipping and handling rules.
- Include PO number in default order email templates.
- Added new API methods for ProductAttributeDefinition, ProductAttributeGroup, SalesPromotion and TaxClass.
- Added ability to update sales order statuses through API.
- Product list module control can now default to list view mode through custom template.
- Reorganize Dynamic form to go under "Custom field" tab on admin screens.
- Deleted user will also cancel related recurring orders.
- Improve usability on activating a license.
- Restore Confirmation navigation heading that was removed in 04.01.00 from Cart, Checkout and Confirmation display templates.
- Add support for promotion start and stop date at the product variant level.
- Storewide product promotion rule runs before product variant's promotion.
- Allow product promotion to trigger against quantity info.
- Reorder dashboard order status display slightly.
- Fixed label control taking 120px minimum width due to DNN CSS issue.
- Fixed scheduler looking for non-existing temp posted files folder.
- Fixed extra non-closing tr tag in ProductDetail templates.
- Fixed incorrect method name for saving the edit product comparison settings.
- Fixed purchase order cannot handle recurring product.
- Fixed API not reading productID in the InsertProductVariant and UpdateProductVariant services.
- Fixed API over validating non-required fields (SKU, manufacturerSKU, distributorSKU, name, universalProductCode) in InsertProductVariant.
- Updated minor correction in handling coupons in checkout display template.
- Fixed handling method may not calculate tax.
- Minor correction to shipping method template examples.
- Fixed proceed to checkout button on Cart page not translating for other languages.
- New Cart "Standard5", CartSummary "Standard2", Checkout "Standard8", Confirmation "Standard6", ProductList "Standard5", ProductDetail "Standard8" and ProductShowcase "Standard3" display templates. Custom templates must be re-created to gain new features.