

Revindex Storefront


Last updated on 2023-01-27 5 mins. to read

The SalesPromotion is used to give a discount on purchases.


This service is used to delete a SalesPromotion object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
salesPromotionID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data



This service is used to query the Category object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
salesPromotionID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
salesPromotion XML Container node.
  active Boolean Flag to indicate if promotion is active and can be used.
  createDate DateTime Creation date.
  description XML Locale Localized description.
  name XML Locale Localized name.
  portalID Integer  
  promotionRule XML Rule The promotion rule.
  promotionType Integer Product = 1, SalesOrderDetail = 2, Shipping = 3, Handling = 4, Tax = 5
  runOrder Integer The execution order for this promotion among other promotions of the same type.
  startDate DateTime The start date when the promotion is valid.
  stopDate DateTime The stop date the promotion is no longer valid.
  updateDate DateTime Update date.



This service is used to get all the SalesPromotion objects belonging to the portal.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
totalCount Integer Number of records found.
salesPromotions XML Container node
  salesPromotion XML Zero or more salesPromotion nodes with same data structure as GetSalesPromotion service return data.



This service is used to create a new SalesPromotion object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
active Yes Boolean Flag to indicate if promotion is active and can be used.
description No XML Locale Localized description.
name Yes XML Locale Localized name.
promotionRule No XML Rule The promotion rule.
promotionType Yes Integer Product = 1, SalesOrderDetail = 2, Shipping = 3, Handling = 4, Tax = 5
runOrder Yes Integer The execution order for this promotion among other promotions of the same type.
salesPromotionID Yes Integer The object identifier.
startDate No DateTime The start date when the promotion is valid.
stopDate No DateTime The stop date the promotion is no longer valid.


Return Data

Same as GetSalesPromotion service return data.


This service is used to update a SalesPromotion object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
active Yes Boolean Flag to indicate if promotion is active and can be used.
description No XML Locale Localized description.
name Yes XML Locale Localized name.
promotionRule No XML Rule The promotion rule.
promotionType Yes Integer Product = 1, SalesOrderDetail = 2, Shipping = 3, Handling = 4, Tax = 5
runOrder Yes Integer The execution order for this promotion among other promotions of the same type.
salesPromotionID Yes Integer The object identifier.
startDate No DateTime The start date when the promotion is valid.
stopDate No DateTime The stop date the promotion is no longer valid.


Return Data

Same as GetSalesPromotion service return data.


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