Proceeding with simple example. After you have installed your Wiki module, it's customary to layout your Wiki, Index, Search modules to their desired position. In our case, the main Wiki is on the right-pane and both the index and search on the left-pane.

Next we'll will create a hierarchical structure about beer and its history and present day.
From Wiki module action menu, click on Add Topic. We'll create 3 topics namely Beer, History and Today. We can then drag and move History and Today topics in Beer to form the hierarchy under Index.

Sometimes contents need to be cross-linked with each other as illustrated. In this example, we will now create the Today topic containing contents that refer and point to the History topic as such. We would like our Today topic to show "Beer drinking is popular just like in ancient time. See History for more information".
To do so, start typing the text. Once you reach the point you need to insert a link, click on the [link] token button and select History topic to cross link to. This will insert the special token [rvdwk.topic:link-7] in your editor. Continue your writing and Save when done. When the page is rendered, the token will be replaced with the clickable word "History".