Stripe is a payment gateway that allows you to accept credit card transactions within your site.
This gateway supports the following features:
- Authorize
- Capture
- Purchase
- Refund
- Void
- Recurring payment
- Tokenization
- 3D Secure
- Payment notification (available in v18.6)
The following fields are required:
- Secret Key
- Publishable Key
- Signing Secret - Needed only for payment notification
To enable payment notification, you need to login to Stripe. Then click on Developers. Go to Webhooks and add a new endpoint. The endpoint URL should follow the format below where <Site> is your domain name and<Number> is the site's assigned portal number usually "0" if you only have a single portal.
Select the event "charge.succeeded" and save. After saving, you can go to the new Webhook you just created and click on Reveal under Signing secret to get your signing secret key.
For older Storefront version (prior to v14), you must manually enable "Process payments unsafely" from the Stripe dashboard. From the dashboard, click on "Show Advanced Options" then "Integration" and enable "Process payments unsafely.". Newer Storefront can operate without this check.