

Revindex Storefront


Last updated on 2023-01-27 9 mins. to read

The UserPayment object tracks payments belonging to a user usually associated with recurring orders.


This service is used to delete a UserPayment object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
userPaymentID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data




This service is used to query the UserPayment object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
userPaymentID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
userPayment XML Container node.
  accountNumber String The account number is usually for ACH or eCheck payment method.
  accountType Integer The account type is usually for ACH or eCheck payment method. See Gateway.AccountType
  businessTaxNumber String  
  city String  
  company String  
  countryCode String  
  countryName String  
  createDate DateTime  
  creditCardCvv String  
  creditCardExpiryMonth String This should be a numeric representation of the month ranging from 1 to 12. You may also represent it with a leading zero as 01 to 12.
  creditCardExpiryYear String  The expiry year. e.g. "2025"
  creditCardHint String The credit card number hint that will be displayed to the user. This is normally the last 4 digits of the credit card.
  creditCardNumber String Credit card number.
  district String  
  email String  
  firstName String  
  institutionName String The institution name usually used by ACH/eCheck payment method.
  institutionNumber String The institution number usually used by ACH/eCheck payment method.
  lastName String  
  paymentHint String Payment hint to help customers identify their payment information.
  paymentMethod Integer The payment method type. See PaymentMethodType.
  paymentNumber String Identifier associated with the payment gateway's payment profile record.
  phone String  
  portalID Integer  
  postalCode String  
  profileNumber String Identifier associated with the payment gateway's payment profile record.
  street String  
  subdivisionCode String  
  subdivisionName String  
  updateDate DateTime  
  userID Integer Identifier associated with the user account.
  userPaymentGUID Guid  
  userPaymentID Integer The object unique identifier.
  unit String  
  voucherCode String Voucher code.
  voucherHint String Voucher hint to help customers identify their voucher information. Normally the last 4 digits of the voucher code.



This service is used to get all the UserPayment objects.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
totalCount Integer Number of records found.
userPayments XML Container node
  userPayment XML Zero or more userPayment nodes with same data structure as GetUserPayment service return data.



This service is used to get all the UserPayment objects belonging to the user.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.
userID Yes Integer The User object identifier.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
totalCount Integer Number of records found.
userPayments XML Container node
  userPayment XML Zero or more userPayment nodes with same data structure as GetUserPayment service return data.


This service is used to create a new UserPayment object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
accountNumber Yes/No String The account number is usually for ACH or eCheck payment method. This value is required for ACH/eCheck payment method.
accountType Yes/No Integer The account type is usually for ACH or eCheck payment method. This value is required for ACH/eCheck payment method. See Gateway.AccountType
businessTaxNumber No String  
city Yes String  
company No String  
countryCode Yes String  
creditCardCvv Yes/No String The credit card verification value. You are not allowed to store this value in permanent storage under any circumstances. This value is not used if you are providing a ProfileNumber and/or PaymentNumber token.
creditCardExpiryMonth Yes/No String This should be a numeric representation of the month ranging from 1 to 12. You may also represent it with a leading zero as 01 to 12. This value is not used if you are providing a ProfileNumber and/or PaymentNumber token.
creditCardExpiryYear Yes/No String  The expiry year. e.g. "2025". This value is not used if you are providing a ProfileNumber and/or PaymentNumber token.
creditCardHint Yes/No String The credit card number hint that will be displayed to the user. This is normally the last 4 digits of the credit card. This value is not used if you are providing a ProfileNumber and/or PaymentNumber token.
creditCardNumber Yes/No String Credit card number. This value is required for credit card payment method. This value is not used if you are providing a ProfileNumber and/or PaymentNumber token.
district No String  
email Yes String  
firstName Yes String  
institutionName Yes/No String The institution name usually used by ACH/eCheck payment method. This value is required for ACH/eCheck payment method.
institutionNumber Yes/No String The institution number usually used by ACH/eCheck payment method. This value is required for ACH/eCheck payment method.
lastName Yes String  
paymentHint Yes/No String Payment hint to help customers identify their payment information.
paymentMethod Yes Integer The payment method type. See PaymentMethodType.
paymentNumber Yes/No String Identifier associated with the payment gateway's payment profile record. This payment token if available may be used in place of the credit card number.
phone Yes String  
postalCode Yes String  
profileNumber Yes/No String Identifier associated with the payment gateway's payment profile record. This profile token if available may be used in place of the credit card number.
street Yes String  
subdivisionCode Yes String  
userID Yes Integer Identifier associated with the user account.
userPaymentID Yes/No Integer The object unique identifier. This value is required when updating a UserPayment object.
unit No String  
voucherCode Yes/No String Voucher code. This value is required for voucher payment method.
voucherHint Yes/No String Voucher hint to help customers identify their voucher information. Normally the last 4 digits of the voucher code. This value is used for voucher payment method.


Return Data

Same as GetUserPayment service return data.


This service is used update a UserPayment object.

Request Parameters

See InsertUserPayment service request.

Return Data

Same as GetUserPayment service return data.



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