

Revindex Storefront


Last updated on 2023-01-27 31 mins. to read


This service is used to delete a ProductVariant object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
productVariantID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data



This service is used to query the ProductVariant object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
productVariantID Yes Integer The object identifier.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
productVariant XML Container node.
   allowableOrderQuantity String The distinct quantities you want to allow, separated by a pipe "|" delimiter. Use a dash to denote a range of quantities. For example, if you enter "1|3|5-7|9" in the text box, only quantities 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 will be allowed.
  allowPartialReturn Boolean Indicate if this product can returned wholly or partially.
  allowProductComparison Boolean Allow this variant for product comparison.
  allowRecurringGroupOrders Boolean Allow this variant to be grouped together with other similar orders if this variant is due for recurring.
  allowRewardsPoint Boolean Allow this variant to participate in rewards point program.
  availabilityRule XML Rule The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased.
  basePrice Decimal The base price.
  bookingRule XML Rule The rule to describe booking conditions such as exclusion dates.
  buyingGuide XML Locale  Localized description.
  buyingGuideName XML Locale Override the default buying guide description name.
  conditionType Integer New = 1
Refurbished = 2
Used = 3
  createDate DateTime Creation date.
  creditInterval Integer The amount of time to allow crediting a return.
  creditIntervalType Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
  depth Decimal Product depth usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).
  displayOrder Integer Sort order for display.
  distributorID Integer The Distributor object identifier.
  distributorSKU String  
  downloadFile String The URL, file or page associated to the product.
  dynamicFormCode XML Code Custom HTML or input form elements.
  exchangeInterval Integer The amount of time to allow exchanging a return.
  exchangeIntervalType Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
  extension XML Additional data in XML.
  externalID String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
  faq XML Locale Localized description.
  faqName XML Locale Override the default FAQ description name.
  handlingPrice Decimal Handling price may be used by handling rule.
  hasSerialNumber Boolean Indicate if this product has a serial number for return purposes.
  height Decimal Product height usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).
  inventory Integer Product inventory.
  inventoryEmptyBehavior   How product behaves when inventory is empty.

DisallowOrder = 1
DisableProduct = 2
AllowBackorder = 3
  inventoryUnitType Integer Indicate how inventory is treated especially in the case of a booking product. For regular product, the unit type should be Constant.

Constant = 1
Year = 2
Month = 3
Week = 4
Day = 5
Hour = 6
  issueFund Boolean Add funds to account.
  manufacturerID Integer The Manufacturer object identifier.
  manufacturerSKU String  
  maxInventory Integer The desirable max inventory to keep.
  maxOrderQuantity Integer Maximum quantity per order.
  maxOrderUnit Integer Maximum reservable units for a booking product.
  minOrderUnit Integer Minimum reservable units for a booking product.
  metaDescription XML Locale Localized meta description.
  metaKeywords XML Locale Localized meta keywords.
  maxBookingDate DateTime  
  maxBookingTime TimeSpan  
  minBookingDate DateTime  
  minBookingTime TimeSpan  
  minInventory Integer The desirable min inventory to keep.
  minOrderQuantity Integer Minimum quantity per order.
  modifierRule XML Rule Product modifer rule.
  msrp Decimal Manufacturer suggested retail price.
  name XML Locale Localized name.
  overview XML Locale Localized description.
  overviewName XML Locale Override the default overview description name.
  packageType Integer Package type for shipping calculation (Unspecified = 1, Envelope = 1000, Box = 2000, Bag = 3000, Tube = 4000).
  pageTitle XML Locale Localized page title.
  portalID Integer  
  preorderInterval Integer The days to preorder a recurring order ahead of time.
  priceText XML Locale Any text specified here will be shown to the customer instead of the actual price.
  productCost Decimal The product cost.
  productID Integer The Product object identifier.
  productVariantID Integer The object identifier.
  productVariantKey String A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID.
  promotionRule XML Rule Product promotion rule.
  promotionStartDate DateTime Product promotion start date.
  promotionStopDate DateTime Product promotion stop date.
  published Boolean Allow product to be displayed.
  recurringInterval Integer The recurring interval.
  recurringIntervalType Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
  recurringMaxRepeat Integer The number of times to repeat the recurring product. Empty indicates repeat perpetually.
  recurringMinRepeat Integer The minimum number of times that must be repeated before allowing customers from cancelling future recurring orders.
  refundInterval Integer The amount of time to allow refunding a return.
  refundIntervalType Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
  repairInterval Integer The amount of time to allow repairing a return.
  repairInterval Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
  requireHandling Boolean Indicate if product requires handling.
  requireShipping Boolean Indicate if product requires shipping.
  rewardPoints Integer The custom number of rewards points to award.
  rightDefinitionID Integer The RightDefinition identifier to issue upon purchase.If this value is set, the customer will be issued the access right when order is paid or completed.
  salesType Integer Determine if product can be purchased at the listed price or must be quoted first.

Sale = 1
Quoted = 2
  shippingCode String Shipping code may be used by your shipping provider to classify this package to obtain a more accurate quote.
  shippingPrice Decimal Shipping price may be used by shipping rule.
  sku String  
  specifications XML Locale Localized description.
  specificationsName XML Locale Override the default specifications description name.
  startDate DateTime The start date when the product is available for purchase.
  startRecurringDate DateTime Initialize a different recurring start date.
  startRecurringInterval Integer Initialize a different recurring start date by interval amount.
  startRecurringIntervalType Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
  stopDate DateTime The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase.
  summary XML Locale Localized description.
  taxClassID Integer TaxClass object identifier.
  terms XML Locale Localized description.
  termsName XML Locale Override the default terms description name.
  universalProductCode String Universal product code.
  updateDate DateTime Update date.
  urlName XML Locale Localized URL name for SEO.
  voucherDefinitionID Integer If this value is set, a new voucher of this type will be automatically generated and emailed to customer when order is paid or completed.
  warehouseID Integer Indicate if this product is stored at a warehouse.
  weight Decimal Product weight usually including packaging for shipping calculation (g).
  width Decimal Product width usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).



This service is used to get all the ProductVariant objects belonging to the product.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
productID Yes Integer The Product object identifier.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
totalCount Integer Number of records found.
productVariants XML Container node
  productVariant XML Zero or more productVariant nodes with same data structure as GetActiveProductVariant service return data.



This service is used to get all the ProductVariant objects by portal.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
totalCount Integer Number of records found.
productVariants XML Container node
  productVariant XML Zero or more productVariant nodes with same data structure as GetActiveProductVariant service return data.



This service is used to get all the ProductVariant objects with matching SKU.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
count No Boolean Specify if return data should include total number of records found.
skip No Integer The number of records to skip over for paging purposes.
sku Yes String The SKU value.
take No Integer The number of records to return for paging purposes.


Return Data

Node Data Type Description
totalCount Integer Number of records found.
productVariants XML Container node
  productVariant XML Zero or more productVariant nodes with same data structure as GetActiveProductVariant service return data.



This service is used to create a new ProductVariant object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
allowableOrderQuantity No String The distinct quantities you want to allow, separated by a pipe "|" delimiter. Use a dash to denote a range of quantities. For example, if you enter "1|3|5-7|9" in the text box, only quantities 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 will be allowed.
allowPartialReturn Yes Boolean Indicate if this product can be returned wholly or partially.
allowProductComparison Yes Boolean Allow this variant for product comparison.
allowRecurringGroupOrders Yes Boolean Allow this variant to be grouped together with other similar orders if this variant is due for recurring.
allowRewardsPoint Yes Boolean Allow this variant to participate in rewards point program.
availabilityRule No XML Rule The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased.
basePrice Yes Decimal The base price.
bookingRule No XML Rule The rule to describe booking conditions such as exclusion dates.
buyingGuide No XML Locale  Localized description.
buyingGuideName No XML Locale Override the default buying guide description name.
conditionType Yes Integer New = 1
Refurbished = 2
Used = 3
creditInterval No Integer The amount of time allow to credit a return.
creditIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
depth Yes Decimal Product depth usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).
displayOrder Yes Integer Sort order for display.
distributorID No Integer The Distributor object identifier.
distributorSKU No String  
downloadFile No String The URL, file or page associated to the product.
dynamicFormCode No XML Code Custom HTML or input form elements.
exchangeInterval No Integer The amount of time to allow exchanging a return.
exchangeIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
extension No XML Additional data in XML.
externalID No String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
faq No XML Locale Localized description.
faqName No XML Locale Override the default FAQ description name.
handlingPrice Yes Decimal Handling price may be used by handling rule.
hasSerialNumber Yes Boolean Indicate if this product has serial number for return purposes.
height Yes Decimal Product height usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).
inventory No Integer Product inventory.
inventoryEmptyBehavior Yes Integer How product behaves when inventory is empty.

DisallowOrder = 1
DisableProduct = 2
AllowBackorder = 3
inventoryUnitType Yes Integer Indicate how inventory is treated especially in the case of a booking product. For regular product, the unit type should be Constant.

Constant = 1
Year = 2
Month = 3
Week = 4
Day = 5
Hour = 6
issueFund Yes Boolean Add funds to account.
manufacturerID No Integer The Manufacturer object identifier.
manufacturerSKU No String  
maxBookingDate No DateTime  
maxBookingTime No TimeSpan  
minBookingDate No DateTime  
minBookingTime No TimeSpan  
maxInventory No Integer The desirable max inventory to keep.
maxOrderQuantity No Integer Maximum quantity per order.
maxOrderUnit No Integer Maximum reservable units for a booking product.
minOrderUnit No Integer Minimum reservable units for a booking product.
metaDescription No XML Locale Localized meta description.
metaKeywords No XML Locale Localized meta keywords.
minInventory No Integer The desirable min inventory to keep.
minOrderQuantity No Integer Minimum quantity per order.
modifierRule No XML Rule Product modifer rule.
msrp No Decimal Manufacturer suggested retail price.
name No XML Locale Localized name.
overview No XML Locale Localized description.
overviewName No XML Locale Override the default overview description name.
packageType Yes Integer Package type for shipping calculation (Unspecified = 1, Envelope = 1000, Box = 2000, Bag = 3000, Tube = 4000).
pageTitle No XML Locale Localized page title.
preorderInterval Yes Integer The days to preorder a recurring order ahead of time.
priceText No XML Locale Any text specified here will be shown to the customer instead of the actual price.
productCost No Decimal The product cost.
productID Yes Integer The Product object identifier.
productVariantKey Yes String A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID.
promotionRule No XML Rule Product promotion rule.
promotionStartDate No DateTime Product promotion start date.
promotionStopDate No DateTime Product promotion stop date.
published Yes Boolean Allow product to be displayed.
recurringInterval Yes Integer The recurring interval. A zero value indicates non-recurring.
recurringIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
recurringMaxRepeat No Integer The number of times to repeat the recurring product. Empty indicates repeat perpetually.
recurringMinRepeat No Integer The minimum number of times that must be repeated before allowing customers from cancelling future recurring orders.
refundInterval No Integer The amount of time allowed to refund a return.
refundIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
repairInterval No Integer The amount of time allowed to repair a return.
repairIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
requireHandling Yes Boolean Indicate if product requires handling.
requireShipping Yes Boolean Indicate if product requires shipping.
rewardPoints No Integer The custom number of rewards points to award.
rightDefinitionID No Integer The RightDefinition identifier to issue upon purchase.If this value is set, the customer will be issued the access right when order is paid or completed.
salesType Yes Integer Determine if product can be purchased at the listed price or must be quoted first.

Sale = 1
Quoted = 2
shippingCode No String Shipping code may be used by your shipping provider to classify this package to obtain a more accurate quote.
shippingPrice Yes Decimal Shipping price may be used by shipping rule.
sku No String  
specifications No XML Locale Localized description.
specificationsName No XML Locale Override the default specifications description name.
startDate No DateTime The start date when the product is available for purchase.
startRecurringDate No DateTime Initialize a different recurring start date.
startRecurringInterval Yes Integer Initialize a different recurring start date by interval amount.
startRecurringIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
stopDate No DateTime The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase.
summary No XML Locale Localized description.
taxClassID No Integer TaxClass object identifier.


XML Locale Localized description.
termsName No XML Locale Override the default terms description name.
universalProductCode No String Universal product code.
urlName No XML Localized Localized URL name for SEO.
voucherDefinitionID No Integer If this value is set, a new voucher of this type will be automatically generated and emailed to customer when order is paid or completed.
warehouseID No Integer Indicate if this product is stored at a warehouse.
weight Yes Decimal Product weight usually including packaging for shipping calculation (g).
width Yes Decimal Product width usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).


Return Data

Same as GetActiveProductVariant service return data.


This service is used to update a ProductVariant object.

Request Parameters

Node Required Data Type Description
allowableOrderQuantity No String The distinct quantities you want to allow, separated by a pipe "|" delimiter. Use a dash to denote a range of quantities. For example, if you enter "1|3|5-7|9" in the text box, only quantities 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 will be allowed.
allowPartialReturn Yes Boolean Indicate if this product can be returned wholly or partially.
allowProductComparison Yes Boolean Allow this variant for product comparison.
allowRecurringGroupOrders Yes Boolean Allow this variant to be grouped together with other similar orders if this variant is due for recurring.
allowRewardsPoint Yes Boolean Allow this variant to participate in rewards point program.
availabilityRule No XML Rule The rule to describe the conditions when the product can be purchased.
basePrice Yes Decimal The base price.
bookingRule No XML Rule The rule to describe booking conditions such as exclusion dates.
buyingGuide No XML Locale  Localized description.
buyingGuideName No XML Locale Override the default buying guide description name.
conditionType Yes Integer New = 1
Refurbished = 2
Used = 3
creditInterval No Integer The amount of time to allow crediting a return.
creditIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
depth Yes Decimal Product depth usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).
displayOrder Yes Integer Sort order for display.
distributorID No Integer The Distributor object identifier.
distributorSKU No String  
downloadFile No String The URL, file or page associated to the product.
dynamicFormCode No XML Code Custom HTML or input form elements.
exchangeInterval No Integer The amount of time allowed to exchange a return.
exchangeIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
extension No XML Additional data in XML.
externalID No String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
faq No XML Locale Localized description.
faqName No XML Locale Override the default FAQ description name.
handlingPrice Yes Decimal Handling price may be used by handling rule.
hasSerialNumber Yes Boolean Indicate if this product has a serial number for return purposes.
height Yes Decimal Product height usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).
inventory No Integer Product inventory.
inventoryEmptyBehavior Yes Integer How product behaves when inventory is empty.

DisallowOrder = 1
DisableProduct = 2
AllowBackorder = 3
inventoryUnitType Yes Integer Indicate how inventory is treated especially in the case of a booking product. For regular product, the unit type should be Constant.

Constant = 1
Year = 2
Month = 3
Week = 4
Day = 5
Hour = 6
issueFund Yes Boolean Add funds to account.
manufacturerID No Integer The Manufacturer object identifier.
manufacturerSKU No String  
maxBookingDate No DateTime  
maxBookingTime No TimeSpan  
minBookingDate No DateTime  
minBookingTime No TimeSpan  
maxInventory No Integer The desirable max inventory to keep.
maxOrderQuantity No Integer Maximum quantity per order.
maxOrderUnit No Integer Maximum reservable units for a booking product.
minOrderUnit No Integer Minimum reservable units for a booking product.
metaDescription No XML Locale Localized meta description.
metaKeywords No XML Locale Localized meta keywords.
minInventory No Integer The desirable min inventory to keep.
minOrderQuantity No Integer Minimum quantity per order.
modifierRule No XML Rule Product modifer rule.
msrp No Decimal Manufacturer suggested retail price.
name No XML Locale Localized name.
overview No XML Locale Localized description.
overviewName No XML Locale Override the default overview description name.
packageType Yes Integer Package type for shipping calculation (Unspecified = 1, Envelope = 1000, Box = 2000, Bag = 3000, Tube = 4000).
pageTitle No XML Locale Localized page title.
preorderInterval Yes Integer The days to preorder a recurring order ahead of time.
priceText No XML Locale Any text specified here will be shown to the customer instead of the actual price.
productCost No Decimal The product cost.
productID Yes Integer The Product object identifier.
productVariantID Yes Integer The object identifier.
productVariantKey Yes String A unique key that can be used to uniquely identify this object. This could be a short meaningful text or simply a GUID.
promotionRule No XML Rule Product promotion rule.
promotionStartDate No DateTime Product promotion start date.
promotionStopDate No DateTime Product promotion stop date.
published Yes Boolean Allow product to be displayed.
recurringInterval Yes Integer The recurring interval. A zero value indicates non-recurring.
recurringIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
recurringMaxRepeat No Integer The number of times to repeat the recurring product. Empty indicates repeat perpetually.
recurringMinRepeat No Integer The minimum number of times that must be repeated before allowing customers from cancelling future recurring orders.
refundInterval No Integer The amount of time allowed to refund a return.
refundIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
repairInterval No Integer The amount of time allowed to repair a return.
repairIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
requireHandling Yes Boolean Indicate if product requires handling.
requireShipping Yes Boolean Indicate if product requires shipping.
rewardPoints No Integer The custom number of rewards points to award.
rightDefinitionID No Integer The RightDefinition identifier to issue upon purchase.If this value is set, the customer will be issued the access right when order is paid or completed.
salesType Yes Integer Determine if product can be purchased at the listed price or must be quoted first.

Sale = 1
Quoted = 2
shippingCode No String Shipping code may be used by your shipping provider to classify this package to obtain a more accurate quote.
shippingPrice Yes Decimal Shipping price may be used by shipping rule.
sku No String  
specifications No XML Locale Localized description.
specificationsName No XML Locale Override the default specifications description name.
startDate No DateTime The start date when the product is available for purchase.
startRecurringDate No DateTime Initialize a different recurring start date.
startRecurringInterval Yes Integer Initialize a different recurring start date by interval amount.
startRecurringIntervalType Yes Integer The interval type (Day = 1, Week = 2, Month = 3, Year = 4).
stopDate No DateTime The stop date when the product is no longer available for purchase.
summary No XML Locale Localized description.
taxClassID No Integer TaxClass object identifier.


XML Locale Localized description.
termsName No XML Locale Override the default terms description name.
universalProductCode No String Universal product code.
urlName No XML Locale Localized URL name for SEO.
voucherDefinitionID No Integer If this value is set, a new voucher of this type will be automatically generated and emailed to customer when order is paid or completed.
warehouseID No Integer Indicate if this product is stored at a warehouse.
weight Yes Decimal Product weight usually including packaging for shipping calculation (g).
width Yes Decimal Product width usually including packaging for shipping calculation (cm).


Return Data

Same as GetActiveProductVariant service return data.

The amount of time to allow crediting a return.


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