This email is sent out to users to remind them of their upcoming recurring orders are due to repeat. Users may want to be reminded to update their address and payment information on file before the order is repeated.
The Basic template rule can accept XSL tokens to inject dynamic data. Below is the sample XML input that you can retrieve token values from:
<field id="CustomFieldID1">Value...</field>
<field id="CustomFieldID2">Value...</field>
<galleries />
<alternateText />
<name>Product 3</name>
<shippingCity>Beverley hills</shippingCity>
<shippingCountryName>United States</shippingCountryName>
<shippingDistrict />
<shippingStreet>1 melrose place</shippingStreet>
<shippingUnit />
<countryName>United States</countryName>
<district />
<paymentMethodName>Credit card</paymentMethodName>
<street>1 Jones St</street>
<unit />
<City>Beverley hills</City>
<Country>United States</Country>
<PreferredTimeZone>Pacific Standard Time</PreferredTimeZone>
<Street>1 road</Street>
<role>Role 2</role>
<role>Role 1</role>