

Revindex Storefront

Opayo Sage Pay Direct

Last updated on 2020-11-17 1 mins. to read

Opayo Sage Pay, formerly known as ProtX, Direct is a direct payment gateway in the U.K that allows you to accept credit card transactions within your site. 

This gateway supports the following features:

  • Authorize
  • Capture
  • Purchase
  • Refund
  • Void
  • Recurring payment
  • 3D Secure v2


The following fields are required:

  1. Register your server’s IP address with Sage Pay.
  2. Ensure your Sage Pay currency setting supports your Storefront’s primary currency.
  3. Enable 3D Secure with Sage Pay if you plan to use the 3D Secure feature.
  4. Vendor name – Your registered vendor name with Sage Pay.

Please contact Sage Pay to enable Payment, Deferred, Release, Abort and Refund transactions types. Certain operations may not work if the transaction types are not enabled. 

If 3D Secure is enabled, please ensure your web.config allows a very large URL length to be transmitted since the data being passed back to the site is very long exceeding 7KB in some cases.


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