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Data Types

Last updated on 2020-06-02 2 mins. to read

The import/export uses the following data type convention in order to correctly return and consume the import file.

Data Type Description Valid Values
Boolean A logical boolean. "True" or "False" (without the quotes)
Byte A Base64 encoded string of the byte array data. YTM0NZomIzI2OTsmIzM0NTueYQ==
DateTime A valid date with time component. 2001-01-01T12:00:00
Decimal A numeric value that can contain a decimal point (x.xx). The decimal separator must be a dot point separator regardless of culture. 12.49
Double A numeric value that can contain decimal point (x.xx). The decimal separator must be a dot point separator regardless of culture.  3289.3243
GUID Globally unique identifier. 4F43B5CD-6817-4a64-9B32-640076F2A3A6
Integer A 32-bit numeric value without decimals. 12345
Long A 64-bit numeric value without decimals. 432432483244
String Any text value. "Hello world" (without the quotes)
TimeSpan A valid time component. 22:00:00
XML XML data. Any valid XML data.
XML Code XML data containing a "code" element with a "version" and "type" attribute. The enclosed value is the actual formula. <code version="1.0" type="aspnetmarkup">...</code>
XML Locale XML element named "locale" with any number of culture codes as attributes to hold the localized string. <locale en-US="Hello" fr-FR="Bonjour" />
XML Rule XML data containing a "rule" element with a "version" and "type" attribute. The enclosed value is the actual formula. <rule version="1.0" type="xslt">...</rule>



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