

Revindex Storefront


Last updated on 2021-04-12 10 mins. to read
Member Type Description
AllowableOrderQuantityList List<Integer> If variant can only be purchased in distinct quantities (e.g. 1, 3, 5), this list will contain the allowable quantity values.
AllowProductComparison Boolean Allow product to be compared with others.
BuyingGuide String Buying guide text.
BuyingGuideName String Override default name for the buying guide description.
CombinedPercentSavings Decimal The savings in percentage.
CombinedPercentSavingsWithTax Decimal The savings in percentage including taxes.
CombinedPrice Decimal Combined price includes cumulative prices from any bundled parts.
CombinedPriceWithTax Decimal Combined price including taxes.
CombinedPromotionPrice Decimal? Combined promotion price.
CombinedPromotionPriceWithTax Decimal? Combined promotion price including taxes.
CombinedSavings Decimal Combined savings.
CombinedSavingsWithTax Decimal Combined savings with tax.
CombinedSellingPrice Decimal Combined selling price.
CombinedSellingPriceWithTax Decimal Combined selling price including tax.
ConditionType ConditionType The condition of the product.
DefaultQuantity Integer  
Depth Decimal Product depth in cm. Enter zero if not used.
DisplayOrder Integer Product sort order from smallest to largest number.
Distributor DistributorModel  
DistributorID Integer? Associate this variant to a distributor by its DistributorID. If you specify DistributorID, the DistributorKey will be ignored.
DistributorSKU String Distributor SKU number.
DownloadFileUrl String Link to the file if this variant has a downloadable resource.
DynamicFormCode DynamicFormCodeModel Custom HTML or input form elements.
ExcludeBookingDates List<DateTime>  
Extension XElement  
ExternalID String Used to track data that may be sourced from an external system.
FAQ String FAQ text.
FAQName String Override default name for the FAQ description.
FormattedCombinedPercentSavings String Text representation of the combined percent savings in current culture and currency.
FormattedCombinedPrice String Text representation of the combined price in current culture and currency.
FormattedCombinedPromotionPrice String Text representation of the combined promotion price in current culture and currency.
FormattedCombinedSavings String Text representation of the combined savings in current culture and currency.
FormattedCombinedSellingPrice String Text representation of the combined selling price in current culture and currency.
FormattedMSRP String Text representation of the MSRP in current culture and currency.
FormattedPercentSavings String Text representation of the percent savings in current culture and currency.
FormattedPrice String Text representation of the price in current culture and currency.
FormattedPromotionPrice String Text representation of the promotion price in current culture and currency.
FormattedSavings String Text representation of the savings in current culture and currency.
FormattedSellingPrice String Text representation of the selling price in current culture and currency.
Galleries List<GalleryModel> Gallery images belonging to this variant.
HasAcceptableInventory Boolean  
HasFormFields Boolean  
Height Decimal Product height in cm. Enter zero if not used.
Inventory Integer? Inventory level.


How product behaves when inventory is empty.
InventoryUnitType InventoryUnitType Indicate how inventory is treated especially in the case of a booking product. For regular product, the unit type should be Constant.
IsCompared Boolean  
MainBuyingGuide String Returns the buying guide description from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainBuyingGuideName String Returns the buying guide name from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainDetailedGalleries List<GalleryModel> Returns the detailed gallery images from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainDetailedGallery GalleryModel Returns the first detailed gallery image from the variant if available otherwise from the product.
MainDisplayGalleries List<GalleryModel> Returns the display gallery image from the variant if available otherwise from the product.
MainDisplayGallery GalleryModel Returns the first display gallery image from the variant if available otherwise from the product.
MainDynamicFormCode DynamicFormCodeModel Returns the custom HTML or input form elements from the variant if available otherwise from the product.
MainFAQ String Returns the FAQ description from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainFAQName String Returns the FAQ name from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainOverview String Returns the overview description from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainOverviewName String Returns the overview name from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainProductAttributes List<ProductAttributeModel>  
MainSpecifications String Returns the specifications description from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainSpecificationsName String Returns the specifications name from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainSummary String Returns the summary description from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainTerms String Returns the terms description from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainTermsName String Returns the terms name from the variant if available, otherwise from the product.
MainThumbnailGallery GalleryModel Returns the first thumbnail gallery image from the variant if available otherwise from the product.
Manufacturer ManufacturerModel  
ManufacturerID Integer? Associate this variant to a manufacturer by its ManufacturerID. If you specify ManufacturerID, the ManufacturerKey will be ignored.
ManufacturerSKU String Manufacturer SKU number.
MaxBookingDate DateTime?  
MaxBookingTime TimeSpan?  
MaxOrderQuantity Integer? Maximum order quantity.
MetaDescription String Localized meta description.
MetaKeywords String Localized meta keywords.
MinBookingDate DateTime?  
MinBookingTime TimeSpan?  
MinOrderQuantity Integer? Minimum order quantity.
MSRP Decimal? Manufacturer suggested retail price.
MSRPWithTax Decimal? Manufacturer suggested retail price including tax.
Name String Product variant name.
Overview String Overview text.
OverviewName String Override default name for the overview description.
PercentSavings Decimal  
PercentSavingsWithTax Decimal  
Price Decimal  
PriceRanges List<PriceRangeModel> The list of prices if tier pricing is enabled.
PriceText String Any text specified here will be shown to the customer instead of the actual price.
PriceWithTax Decimal  
ProductCost Decimal? Cost of product.
Product ProductModel  
ProductAttributes List<ProductAttributeModel>  
ProductComponents List<ProductComponentModel>  
ProductDetail ProductDetailModel  
ProductID Integer Reference the corresponding product by its ProductID. If you specify ProductID, the ProductKey will be ignored.
ProductVariantID Integer Database object identifier. This value must be specified when performing an update. Only this value is required when performing a delete action.
PromotionPrice Decimal? Promotion price.
PromotionPriceWithTax Decimal? Promotion price including tax.
Published Boolean Enable display of the product.
RecurringInterval Integer The recurring repeat interval for the RecurringIntervalType. Enter zero for non-recurring.
RecurringIntervalType RecurringIntervalType  
RecurringMaxRepeat Integer? The number of times to repeat the recurring order or leave blank to repeat perpetually.
RecurringMinRepeat Integer? The minimum number of times that must be repeated before allowing customers from cancelling future recurring orders.
RequiredProducts List<RequiredProductModel>  
RequireHandling Boolean Product requires handling.
RequireShipping Boolean Product requires shipping.
RewardsPointsQualified Integer  
SalesType SalesType Determine if product can be purchased at the listed price or must be quoted first.
Savings Decimal  
SavingsWithTax Decimal  
SellingPrice Decimal The selling price including promotions.
SellingPriceWithTax Decimal The selling price including promotions and tax.
SKU String Product SKU
Specifications String Specifications text.
SpecificationsName String Override default name for the specifications description.
Summary String Summary text.
Terms String Terms text.
TermsName String Override default name for the terms description.
UniversalProductCode String Universal product code.
Weight Decimal Product weight in gram. Enter zero if not used.
Width Decimal Product width in cm. Enter zero if not used.


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